Alexis Ness x Reader [Chores]

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Warning: Fighting


This is a request by Kumisuk1 


Well the morning started off great, doing the dishes and feeding the dog. The dog barked towards your bedroom door for about a few seconds before Alexis woke up. Alexis looked dead, like totally dead. He woke up carrying the cat in his arm and it screams for food. So he walked to the kitchen where you were and grabbed the cat food and places it in front of you. 

"Can you feed the cat?" He asks and places the cat down in front of you, which in turn made the cat grab onto you screaming for food. 

"It's your chore for a reason."

"I'm too tired." He said as he walked over to the couch. He recently got into a phase where he would give you his chores to do and now it had gotten too far. He was now not doing any chores and just spent his day watching soccer and eating. Making more work for you. 

You were so close to yelling at him but you tried to communicate with him about this issue and he brushed it off. 

What a great husband of him to do so. 

"Alexis, can you please feed the cat?"

"I'm too tired."

"Alexis I swear to god-"

"What? You swear to what?" He said with hatred in his voice, you have enough and you placed the cat onto him and walked into your bedroom with him and grabbed your stuff and placed it in a suitcase. You cleaned yourself up and started walking out of the house. "Y/N, where are you going?" 

"Does it matter?" You turned around to see Alexis not looking at you, but at the suitcase. That suitcase was the one he got you when your old one got destroyed in a house fire years back. 

"Y/N are you leaving me?"

"I need time to think." You said and walked out of the house. 

You had spent the next few days really thinking about your life with Alexis, it was true that it was your best relationship but could you stand being the sole person who cleans for the family? 


You simply couldn't. 

So that's what you did, after a few minutes to yourself. You decided that it would be good for you to stay at an hotel for a week. A whole week without Alexis, cleaning and pets. It sounded like a dream for a long time. 

The first couple of days were great for you, you relaxed and allowed yourself to spend some money on yourself but after those couple of days it got harder to be kept busy since you would always have to clean up over an animal or Alexis. You were slowly going mad but you promised yourself and your friend that you would stay the week at the hotel to make Alexis know that you weren't going to come back anytime soon. 

After the week , you went back home to your house fully expecting a filthy mess in the house that you would have to clean. Today was a day that Alexis had a lot of work and wouldn't be home until late. 

You arrived home at 8:40 am and Alexis had work at 8:30 am, so he wasn't home. You walked into the house laughing to yourself how the house would be in disarray and how the dog and the cat would be hungry, but hoping to yourself that he at least fed the dog and the cat. 

You unlocked the door and opened it. You closed your eyes and went inside and opened your eyes and saw the totally opposite, everything was clean. Not just normal man clean, it was super clean. The floor was reflective, REFLECTIVE. How did he clean it this well? 

The dog came up to you and started jumping on you, he missed you so much. You started to pet the dog and looked around the house. The house was so clean you had slipped several times and everything smelled like lemon cleaner. Then the bedroom, my lord the bedroom. You opened the door and there is was, your favorite smell. Lemon. 

God damn Lemon. 

You wanted to be mad at him. 

So mad at the fact he changed during the week and not when you asked him. You heard the door open and you were fully ready to attack someone whoever was there in your house. You walked towards the noise and saw Alexis. Alexis looked extremally tired but mostly dead. Not sleepy dead but emotionally exhausted.  

"Y/N?" He said while tearing up, his emotions were going wild in that moment. He finally saw you after a bad week. At that moment he wanted to say something, but didn't. 

"Alexis? I thought you were at work."

"I left very early because I couldn't mentally cope knowing a made you so angry and disappointed in me that you left." He was full blown crying. 

"So, it took you this long?" 


"I asked for your assistance several times and all you cared about was your soccer games." You said as you kept getting more mad and it was becoming very clear on why you were upset. 

"But I changed, I started cleaning."

"When I left, do I have to leave everytime I want you to clean?"

"It's not going to happen again."

"How do you know?" 

In that moment alone, he hugged you and when you tried to push him away he hugged you tighter. "I promise with my entire being that I will not disappoint you again." You tried your very hardest to get away from him in that moment but he held on tighter until you realized that...

He was crying. 

Tears ran down his face and landed on your shoulder. As your shoulder got more wet it hit you that he was so damn sad to see you leave and how it was his fault that you left. You stopped trying to get away from him and just stayed there and hugged him back. 


"Please, don't leave." He sounded like he was going to break down in that moment. You felt very bad and so you brought him to the couch and sat there with Alexis holding you very tightly. "I don't ever want to be alone again, please don't leave Y/N." 

"I'm not." You begin to wipe his tears away and he looks at you with tears still in his eyes. 

" any point during that week, did you stop loving me?" He asked, seriously he was so emotionally damaged that he literally thought that you were leaving again. 

"No, not at any point did I fall out of love with you. I was angry and disappointed, I will always love you."

"I love you Y/N, I won't ever disappoint you again." He said and you went to hold his hands and kissed the top of them.

"Alexis, I trust you to help me again, I love you."

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