I've Seen Weirder.

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The sound of metal clangs through the air.

Multiple instances of clanging reverberate in between three to five steps. I know exactly what it is. My least favorite class, though to be fair I don't exactly have a favorite, to begin with.

At the moment, all I saw was darkness.

There was only a faint light.

My eyes were shut in a bright sunny room.

We were fencing.

And I wasn't wearing a helmet.

I could hear the sound of a sabre slicing through the air in front of me. I merely dodge to the left and feel the wind from it as it swung past my face.

I strafe back in time with the person in front of me.

They thrust their sabre again but I tilt my head, allowing it to soar just beside my ear. They pull back and strafe backward with me following forward after them.

Beyond just the 'duel' I was in, I could hear footsteps reaching closer this way.

And what sounds like someone tapping on the floor softly?

My opponent swings as the footsteps reach us and I duck under it and spin holding my sabre out toward the one approaching.

I open my eyes to see my sabre just inches away from Wednesday.

Unlike everyone in here, who was wearing the classic white fencing gear, Wednesday's gear was instead all black. She held her mask between her arm and side. And held her sabre rather tightly in her other hand.

I would think it weird if it weren't for the fact that I was wearing the exact same thing.

She glances at my sword hovering in front of her, then at me, "You seem to know what you're doing."

"It's not exactly that hard."

"'Not that hard'?," I heard my partner say, "You weren't even doing anything! You just kept dodging!"

I look over at the 'guy-who's-name-I-never-bothered-to-learn', "Maybe if you could actually put up a challenge I would do more than dodge. You're abysmal. Do better."

He just threw his arms in the air and flipped me off before storming away.

"How do you do that?," Wednesday questioned.

"What? Get people to hate me?," I jokingly ask, "I don't think you need pointers on that, Wednesday."

She obviously ignored my remark, "Not that. You were able to predict his strikes well before they happened. How?"

"I don't really know how to describe it. Extrasensory Perception? Hyper-Awareness? It's like an instinct, except I have to be aware of it in the first place. I'm not omniscient," I tell her.

Suddenly, Enid approached next to us with a grin, "Aw, look at you two, Matching Fencing Gear."

We just stared at her.

She held her hands up in fake surrender, "Wow, even matching hostility.."

"Shouldn't you be with Tanaka right now?," I asked her.

"Oh, Yoko wanted to take a break," Enid replied, "But then I saw you two chatting it up by yourselves, and thought 'Huh, how intriguing'. So are you guys friends now or something?"

Wednesday immediately told her, "No, that'll never happen."

Enid just nodded and looked over at me with the same smile. She did look a little surprised but definitely not at Wednesday's quick response.

Dark Reflections | Wednesday X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now