Ice Cream...

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Wednesday's POV

It was late at night in the dorm.

Enid was out, so Y/N and I were alone.

We had just finished laying a large amount of candles around in a circle. And we placed a few bowls of a multitude of different plants around us.

But then Y/N held out a hand towards the ground and suddenly the wooden floor was being carved with various symbols. The largest was a pentagram which perfectly shaped to the circle of candles we had.

In the center pentagon of the carved sigil, he carved an Ouija Board and placed the name of the spirit to be contacted above it.


Y/N then pulled out a lighter and started lighting the candles as I took a seat in the center, just in front of the Ouija Board.

I looked over at him as he lit them.

He was focusing a little too much while doing so..

Things have been.. strange since we nearly... You know.

It has only been a couple of days, and while strange, I wouldn't exactly call it 'awkward'. If anything, things have been going rather normally. Or as normal as things get.

There's just that one moment lingering in the air that neither of us has even attempted to bring up again.

I go to say something, but instead ask, "..Have you attempted this before in order to speak to Lazarus?"

He stops lighting a candle and looks up at me. He had only gotten half lit up so far.

"Uh, no. Knowing him, he'd probably not even bother replying," Y/N responds, "But he has been.. Speaking to me. Whispers mostly. Only ever before I sleep."

"What does he say?," I question.

"Mostly literal nonsense. Sometimes songs that he shouldn't be able to know. And on rare occasions, he talks about magic and Salem. Though him having a connection to the Witch Trials isn't that surprising," he answers.

The Witch Trials began in 1692.

Either Lazarus was there in his late 70s to early 80s, or he was there via possession like how he did with Y/N's father. There were mentions of Lazarus being active all the way till the early 1900s in the Nightshades Book.

Perhaps he did the same with all of his descendants?

..But that wouldn't explain why all mention of him vanished if he was still doing what he'd been doing..

What if...

I told Y/N, "Maybe Lazarus found a way to prolong his life. If he was truly a powerful warlock he very well could have created a spell that let him live for centuries."

He considered it for a moment before replying, "I don't know. He's many things but I don't think he's the selfish type. If he did figure that out I feel like he'd share it."

"Hm, perhaps," I say, "Well, is any of the things he's told you useful?"

Y/N goes to reply before stopping for a second, clearly remembering something, "Actually, now that I think about it there is something that'd probably be useful right now."

He puts the lighter away and then holds out one of his hands.

He holds it out palm facing down, then bends his pointer finger. Then he rotates his wrist and presses his thumb and ring finger together.

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