What Really Happened.

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Wednesday's POV

I found Pugsley sitting alone on the dock at a pond.

He knew I was there without even turning around.

"Go away," he mumbled.

"You forgot your fishing gear," I told him, as I took a seat next to him.

I placed his fishing pole in between us. And handed him a bag filled with bait.

"Stop trying to be nice," he said, "..It doesn't suit you."

I just tell him, "Father packed your favorite bait."

He decided to open the bag.

When he looked inside, a grin formed on his face.

He reached inside and pulled out one of the baits that were packed.

A grenade.

But then his grin slowly fades.

"..What'll happen to him now?," Pugsley asked.

"Well, he's confessed, so there won't be a trial," I answer, "After he's sentenced, he'll be sent to a state penitentiary, where he'll lose his mind being separated from Mother. Did you know they haven't spent a single night apart since they tied the knot?"

He takes a deep breath before admitting, "...I always thought I'd be the first one in the family behind bars."

"Lurch and I had a bet going," I tell him, then I look over at him, "Come on. Let's see if the fish are biting."

Pugsley then pulls the pin from the grenade and throws it out into the water. The resulting explosion shoots up a geyser.

A bunch of fish floats up to the surface, motionless.

"That's quite a catch," I say.

Then Pugsley tells me, his voice almost cracking, "I'm gonna miss him, Wednesday."

I assure him, "It's not over yet. He's innocent."

"If anyone can figure out who really committed the crime.. It's you," he replies, "And.. And Y/N can help, right? You have to find out the truth and free Dad."

"Well, knowing Y/N, he'd help whether or not I asked him. And until we find out the truth, we both know Mother will be falling apart," I respond, "Which means we have to be strong. And by 'we,' I mean you. Now, give me one of those."

I hold out a hand and he hands me one of his grenades.

I pull the pin and toss it out into the water.

It soon explodes, shooting up water and a few now dead fish.

I then ask Pugsley, "Where is Mother anyway?"

"She said she wanted to be alone. Somewhere where no one would find her," he answers.

The Nightshades Library.

It's the only place that'd make sense.

"So.. I've been meaning to ask..," Pugsley starts before asking, "Is Y/N going to be my new brother-in-law?"

I sharply turn to look at him.

He had an entirely straight face as if truly wondering the question.

"Excuse me?," I reply, "Why would you even ask that?"

He just shrugs, "I don't know. It's just that the way you two look at each other. It kinda reminds me of Mom and Dad, except darker. I mean, he tried standing up for Dad, so he already has my approval."

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