Orange Is Not The New Black.

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Wednesday's POV

The burnt statue of Crackstone was still in the center of town.

They didn't even try to remove it or cover it as of yet. They've just left it out on display for all of Jericho to see.

I find it both fascinating and frustrating how his misdeeds had been hidden from the public. The town falsely praises Crackstone as a hero.

And it reminds me of what I've read in the Nightshades Book.

On the opposite spectrum and regarding Y/N's ancestor, Lazarus.

While many average Outcasts worshipped him as a god, both the Normies and Nightshade Society viewed him as a villain. One such instance referred to him as a 'vile, sadistic monster'.

The views on both of them were clearly distorted.

And for the most part, based on bias..

Except for the Nightshades...

That one I can't figure out why they considered Lazarus an enemy.

My contemplated staring was interrupted when I heard the sound of footsteps close by.

When I glanced behind the statue, I saw my mother walking in the opposite direction a couple of yards away. She was holding a rose in her hand as she went.

The first thing that was cause for suspicion was the fact that she was alone.

She's rarely ever seen without my Father with her.

She was making her way behind a building that was directly behind Crackstone's statue. The area was surrounded by a small gated fence.

And also happened to be the town's cemetery.

So I did the first and only thing a person should do in that situation.

I followed her.

She came to a stop in front of one of the graves.

I wasn't close enough to exactly see the gravestone.

She just looked at it for a moment, before grabbing the rose in her hand by the petals and crushing it. She then ripped it off and tossed the stem at the grave.

Then she walked away while tossing the petals over her shoulder.

As she left, I quickly made my way over to the grave.

And of course, the occupant six feet under didn't surprise me.

Written on the tombstone was: 'Garrett Gates 1972-1990'

At least now I won't have to search for his grave for if I exhume the body. In all likelihood, that was most likely going to be the case.

But Mother led me directly to it.

Which makes me wonder why she knows where it is in the first place.

Before I go to leave, I notice a figure across the cemetery in the corner of my eye.

It was Y/N.

When did he get back?

He was sitting on a grave with his back against the gravestone facing the other way. His knees were up, with his arms resting on them. And he held something in his hands.

It took for a small flame to appear for me to recognize that it was a lighter.

As I made my way over, he started to hold one of his hands above the flame. He then quickly flipped his hand over with the flame following and hovering above his palm.

Dark Reflections | Wednesday X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now