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it has been two weeks exactly today, making it valentines day. February 14th.

techno and corpse were officially arrested, awaiting trail since clay needs to be present. james had tried to leave the hospital early but the government found something to charge him with. nick was in and out of a coma, they dont know if its from the medicine or the pain, but hes only been awake about two days full time in the past two weeks. Olivia is also awaiting trail but she was bailed out by laura who had access to her money. she has barley left the hospital, despite it only being a couple blocks from the building. scar has been swamped, whether it was with reporters, police, or her own mother. she was slowly going insane from the inside out.

"Ms. Huff?" a women walked into the hospital room, olivia and scarletts heads lifted from what they were doing. Although they have been on and off at the hospital, they decided it was best to spent valentines with clay.

"Just some paperwork, happy valentines day!" the lady was rather cheery, not scared of the two women. however they both enjoyed not being terrifying, scar kind of wished she had the same reputation as clay.

olivia took the clipboard from the women and waved her off, flipping through the papers and reading what it was asking for.

"its fascinating" another voice came from the doorway, it was a man, clays doctor. he seemed interested in clays condition.

"excuse me?" olivia was confused, and she was only slightly annoyed.

"the sedation, i assume that paperwork is more consent forms correct?" he stood at the doorway, obviously not wanting to intrude on any private space.

olivia hesitated, looking down at the papers in her hands to see it was exactly that. Clay has been in a coma for 2 weeks, and he has gone through enough sedation to keep someone under for a year. His metabolism is humanly impossible.

"may i?" he asked while looking down at the floor, gesturing if he could come inside.

"of course" she gestured him inside, not wanting to turn him away and get a bad response or opinion put on her head.

"his metabolism, it is un like anything we have ever seen before. unlike anything any one has ever seen before. if we could just keep him after-" the doctor started his sentence off kind and nice, but then as he progressed. both olivia and scarlett knew exactly what he was going to ask.

"doctor, i would say no. and she would say no. but we both know that no matter what we say, he will be out of this hospital the moment he wakes up" olivia stood up and smiled at him a big, kind of cornering him out of the room as she spoke. he got the nerve, and he left.

"lets say i dont sign these, he wakes up. how much pain would he be in." olivia caught his attention as the doctor was about to be out of vision, hesitantly he came back and looked in at him for a moment.

"its hard to say. usually a person would pass out from the pain on their own, but he walked with this injury for said time, and fought for his life without passing out. he might just be fine with pain meds" the doctor took the forms from olivia as she was handing them back to him.

"thank you" she shook his hand and he smiled. walking away with the empty papers.

"we are waking him up?" scar sat in the seat with her legs cross, clays blade spinning around in her hand as she had gone back and gotten it.

"we are taking the meds off. i dont know how long he will be out after that" olivia smiled a bit, knowing that he might actually wake up soon.

scar looked happy, relieved if you will. being in the mafia was one thing, being related to the mafia was another, and running one? having all that power in your hands? scarlett can barley go outside without someone trying to kill her, without hundreds of cameras on her, hell shes convinced those reporters are camping outside.


techno and corpse, hauled into a prison with no one to bail them out. they have spent thirteen full days in the state petrary so far. and they are practically running the place. everyone knows who they are, everyone knows how dangerous they are, and that just makes it all to easy for them.

besides the guards.

new York is a big state, meaning the corruption was also a big population. Most of the guards in the prison were based, mean, abusive.

and the worst part. techno and corpse couldn't fight back, because the couple times it has happened, they were in chains, with multiple guards beating down on them. it was miserable. each day, there was a new mark, a new bruise.


bolt and laura had been to see george almost every day since the accident. they still had no idea how george had ties to the mafia, if he even did. flowers had been sent to george from all over the US, the room was over crowding with them to the point they bolt and laura had to start moving them into georges apartment.

georges face was pale, intubated and hooked up to fluids. It was hard for laura and bolt to see him this way, to see him so vulnerable.

george always had such an outgoing personality, he was never scared, he always went towards danger. and i guess that's what got him into this mess. clay once asked him how dangerous georges job was, and truth be told. it wasn't the job that was dangerous, it was george. he took every opportunity he had, he took every single chance to run head on into a storm. and the one time he gets hurt, pinned under a telephone pole and rebar stabbing through his stomach, he was recused by the most dangerous man in America.

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