ethay endway

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after a little arguing and the pistols rising up and down, clay and nick were able to convince wilbur to get in the car with them and after a lot more of arguing, they had to choke niki out. It sounds more violent than it really was.

"what the hell do you guys want from me" wilbur groaned, he was sitting in the back seat with nick ordered to stay right next to him incase the brunette tried to jump out the door. yes, that has happened before.

neither of the men answered, clay driving out into the swamps that wilbur knew damn well they shouldn't be at. But there was nothing he could do seeing as nick was keeping him in the car and neither of the mafia men were answering him.

once the car stopped, clay got out and nick had to basically push wilbur out. The detective hated how quiet clay was being and he hated the way nick was looking at him even more.

"see now- I expected you to kill me but I didnt think you would go through all the trouble to hide my bo-" wilbur was speaking too quickly, obviously nervous and somewhat scared for his life even though he was suicidal only an hour ago.

"stop talking- you have a big mouth" clay muttered, it wasn't on purpose but it was already in the air before he could stop himself.

wilbur was a bit taken back, he had never known clay to be anything less than professional- well he had never really known clay to begin with. but hearing that the blonde still had some human in him, that was giving wilbur the little bits of hope he needed.

once the two stopped, clay inhaled deeply and turned around to face wilbur. he was second guesing himself, he wasn't for sure that he wanted wilbur in his mafia and that was a little scary for him to think about but he also knew that he thought these exact same thought each time he brought someone else into the group.

"I have an offer for you." his voice was stern, it was scary and monotone. a voice that wilbur didnt like.

"and you had to bring me into the middle of no where to tell me?" wilbur spoke too soon, seeing clays face shift with a little smirk that he coudlnt hide but wilbur pretended he didnt see it.

"I see something in you. I dont know what it is but it reminds me of someone I used to know" clay spoke with generosity, he did see something in wilbur but it was nothing short of a spark that every other average civilian had.

wilbur didnt respond.

"okay ill put it in simpler terms." he began, "join my mafia or ill send you on a little trip over the border" clay smirked a bit, watching wilbur realize exactly what he was saying.

"you want-" the brunette didnt know what to say, he would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about it before but it was nothing more than a little day dream.

"that sounds more like a threat" wilbur squinted his eyes a bit, looking at clay with a small smile because this did make him a little happy but he also didnt want to know why he was all the way out in the swamps to know this.

"give or take" clay shrugged, lifting his left leg up a bit to grab the dagger out of his holster. wilbur most definetly did not like that but there wasn't much he could do since he was gambling with his life.

"take. what are the terms" wilbur accepted a little too quickly, clay enjoying the fact that the man didnt know he had to literally be shot first.

"im going to shoot you in the stomach. you get this dagger, and you need to find your way to my house." clay gestured the knife towards the man, wilbur being beyond caught off guard but trying to hold his composer mixture of fear and excitement.

"you get help, bullet to the brain. you go towards town, bullet to the brain. you even think of telling anyone about this-" clay was cut off,

"bullet to the brain. I get it" wilbur shook his head with uncertainty, these terms and rules were honestly more than what he was expecting and he honestly didnt want to have to walk thirty miles to the house while he was on the verge of death.

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