ourtyfay evensay

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"go on" clay nodded, turning his head so he was looking back out the front window and watching cars pass, watching people almost die trying to jay walk across a highway.

"why dont you- like-" techno started, but he didnt know how to word his words, how to ask something the entire mafia has been wondering for all to long.

clay froze up a little bit, because he had a feeling what techno was going to ask. though nothing the less he nodded, allowing techno to go on with the question.

"-feel pain" the pink haired man finished his question, and his voice was very quiet like he was scared of what clay might do or say.

the blonde thought for a moment, techno started to feel bad because clay wasn't talking but then he cleared his throat.

"im not some super hero, I still feel it" clay looked down at his hands, them both now being in his lap as he messed with his fingers.

"iv just learnt to deal with it, to hide it. I get hurt to often, its just this line of work." the blonde nodded, techno sucked in to every word he was saying. it was something about the way clay was speaking, the way he was simply talking the truth, that made techno mesmerized.

the car was silent for a moment more, clay simply thinking about what to say while techno looked out the window and tried to act like he wasn't totally interested in the conversation.

"disassociation, its like zoning out but on a bigger scale. I still feel it, of course I do, it hurts like a mother fucker but if I look hurt, then the people around me get worried and its just a mess that I dont ever have the time to deal with" clay spoke quicker, but techno still understood every single word that left his mouth.

"people like james and ash, they aren't made for this life. james was a guitarist that streamed online to a bunch of teenagers, while ash was in a band as well, as a guitarist. They dont show it, but they've known each other since child hood, and something they have yet to realize is that they grew up with george too" clay laughed a little, spilling information that he never intentionally planned on sharing with anyone.

"no shit" techno scoffed, hearing that the two people they put their lives in hands of daily, have known each other just as long as clay had known him.

"yeah, the band was called Lovejoy" clay spoke with a smile, still avoiding everything to do with eye contact but reaching into his pocket for his phone.

techno watched as clay searched something up, then turned the key in the ignition and the car started to life. though, the radio did as well.

the first thing that was heard was guitar riffs, as well as background drums. it was a decent beat, well that's what techno thought. however this was one of clays favorite songs.

mafia boss, big bad wolf, yes hes scary, yes he literally fights and kills people for a living. he doesn't do family, he doesn't eat sweets, and he never showed any interest in music. so you can find it as just as a shock for techno when he watched clay bob his fingers on the steering wheel on the exact tune.

they waited a moment, and then someone started singing. it wasn't so much singing, as it was talking but it still had the same affect. but that voice, it was all to familiar for either of their likes. Clay already knew it was wilbur, he already knew where wilbur came from and everything about the man.

he doesn't like surprises, and seeing the detective so comfortable around his house and his family, he needed to know everything about him.

"wilbur soot" techno repeated, turning the volume up just a little bit so he could make out the words.

though as the song went on, techno really liked it. and considering he was never much of a music person either, that is saying a lot.

"wilbur soot and ash kabosu. I cannot wait until they realize who the other actually is" clay snickered a little bit, pulling out of the parking space and onto the road.

"Whats this song even called" techno asked out of curiosity, watching the cars pass by as they drove down the road with minimal traffic and problems due to the very, very intimidating SUV.

"The Fall" clay smiled, bouncing his head a little bit, barley noticeable, but nothing the less it was happening. and techno noticed, and for once, he saw the real clay.

he saw through the whole charade of mafia, the grown adult who thinks he has to protect everyone, the victim of numerous crimes and kidnappings, someone who has been forced to do things no one should have to imagine.

he saw right through it, and he saw Clay huff. smiling, bobbing his head to music, his voice a whole different tone that was completely unrecognizable for techno, because it wasn't the mafia leader thrown into the life at 16, it was that little slimmer of child still inside of clay, that little bit of actual feeling, personality, that he still had.

almost as if on cue, the song got louder and it became the most exiting part of the song. and then this part of the song showed exactly why clay liked this song.

~So come on, one and all and see the apathy~
~the reems of grey stencil that fills the tapestry~
~I look to all of you and see a different fucking species~
~aspiration for a different destination to me~
~across the Pennine's, theres a thin blue line, a knife and a mall~
~I would do something if it wasn't all so effortful~
~cause im so high, my brain cant even look at the fall~
~and when you've reached the top, theres no where else left to go, but-~

it was the little things, the thoughts and mentions in the song. and for some reason, it fit clay perfectly. because if you were anyone else, he would just be a grey stencil on a tapestry of colors.

you can read him like a book. Mafia leader, owns just under a hundred different night clubs, deals drugs daily, has killed, has kidnapped, but the part that no one ever sees?

the REAL clay. the one that is married, even if its to a psychotic assassin, he was once in love. the one that got tattoos for the fun of it, the one that listens to music, smiles, laughs and jokes, the one that made techno feel like he had a brother.

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