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This is my next entry into the contest.

Twentynine 1/2




These words kept popping all over Kim's Facebook and Twitter. Kim couldn't help the tears that ran down her face as she read every single comment. With each word that popped up Kim would slice her upper thigh.

She had started cutting herself about a month ago. But now it doesn't help with pain as much as she wanted it to.

All Kim wanted to do was to forget about her life, forget that people thought that she was a slut. But then she had to get drunk she had to make out with guy after guy.

Kim couldn't even remember most of what happened or who was even taking that video for the matter. All Kim knows is that it's posted on every social media network that she has.

The pain in Kims heart is too much she couldn't bare the pain. The torment and bullying became an everyday thing for her. Kim wishes that she could turn the other cheek and ignore it but she can't.

Kim wishes that she could be as strong as Stacey. Stacey could stick up for herself but why couldn't she do that as well. Kim texted Stacey to see if she saw the video.

Kim: Have you seen it?

Kim: Check Facebook...it's everywher.

All Kim wants is to be happy, to live a life where the pain in her heart isn't there. Kim went into her mother's medicine cabinet and found a bottle of pain killers she opened the bottle and shoved remain into her mouth and used the tap water to help her swallow them. Kim then returned to her room she heard her phone ring and a picture of her and Stacey smiling popped up on the screen.

"Hello." Kim answered.

"Hey." Stacey said. "I saw the video."

"Horrible isn't it." Kim said trying to hold back tears.

"Kim you were drunk. It wasn't your fault."

Kim interrupted with a teary laugh. "It's funny isn't it? How you go out for a drink to forget that everyone thinks you are a slut...only to end up with a video that shows how much of a slut you really are." Kim said as tears are streaming down her face.

"Kim it wasn't your fault. Everyone else was to blame too." Stacey tried to reason.

"It's amazing how easily people can judge you. It's horrible how much they think words don't hurt. Words I'll hurt more than any hit or punch. Because unless they leave a scar then they're gone in a few weeks. But words...they stay forever."

"Kim..." Kim could hear the worry in her voice and it killed her to hear it. Even though the pills were already killing her.

"But it's ok. I won't have to deal with stuff like this anymore." Kim tried to sound strong.

"Kim? Kim...what do you mean?"

"I said that you'd write a book about me one day." Kim said as she hung up the phone.

Kim laid down on the bed as darkness blurred her vision. Kim's last thought was that at least now she could be in peace.


Sorry I had to take a chunk from that chapter but I felt that it had to be in this chapter as well. So that we could see Kim's point of view as she ended her life.

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