war of panchal

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at night all brothers stop at Panchal border and made their tents. Kauravas with karn and ashwatthama were in tent. yudhisthir, sahdev were discussing about the strategy. arjun was doing meditation and bheem and nakul were sharping sward.
nakul asked- bhaiya do u all remember what mata said to us when we were leaving for panchal.
arjun said- yes Nakul. she said that we should prove everyone that we are the bestest by fight with panchal raj alon so now we have to talk about it to karn bhaiya and guru dron.
yudhisthir said- yes we should talk to them but what about jiji said to us to fight togather.
bheem said- bhaiya u know jiji right, she always support that kauravas and karn bhaiya she always want to make them best. she want to show us low infront of them.
nakul said- she is a egoistic person. she wants to be greatest. that's why she fight with guru dron. even mata is also saying the same about jiji.
yudhisthir nodded and said ok.
after sometime all kauravas and karn and ashwatthama with guru dron came there. dron said- guru dev we want to ask you something. all except pandavs got confused but guru dron said- ask what you want to ask.
yudhisthir said- we five brothers wanted to go alone in war. we will give you your guru dakshina without anyone's support. karn was totally shocked to reply. he was thinking how darshana knew that this will happen. his thought chain broke when dron said- but putri darshana said that you all will go together and i promised her.
Arjun said- but guru dev if we will go alone then we can prove our strength.
karn said- jiji told us to go together if you will not go together then you will not participating in tommorow's war and it's jiji's decision so no one will go oppose to her.
pandav got angry but said like they were sad - ok.
next morning all wake up and get ready for the war. when they were going to battle field Karn said- arjun remember what jiji said. arjun nodded and all kuru brothers went. they all were fighting togather so they defeated shikhandi and dhrupad easily. all kuru brothers with ashwatthama and dron went to panchal palace and made ashwatthama the king of panchal. as darshana said to dron he returned half kingdom (kampilya) to dhrupad. dron sent back all Kuru brothers to Hastinapur saying that he and ashwatthama will be in panchal for some time.

Author's request-

(It's not like i don't like pandavs but i just wanted to take them as a negative character please no offense. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but if i did please forgive me.)
Hiiii guys,
I know that this chapter is very short because my exams are coming so i can not give much time but i will try to update daily and try to make long chapters.
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