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It had been one week when Hastinapur family came back to Hastinapur but karn, duryodhan, purab was in vaishali and prayag and ayodhya family and all brothers and sister ex Kuru brothers and sister also went back to their kingdoms they didn't want to go but darshana make them go back because they have responsibility. Aashu was crying because he didn't want to leave darshana but darshana told him she will meet him soon she made him understand and sent him back. Now every one come back to their normal routine like prayer, breakfast, court, lunch training, dinner but today some people's routine again going to change. Today after breakfast every one gathered at court. Court process was going on but a soldier come in court and informed everyone that rishi ved vyas came. Every one was confused.
Dhritrashtra said- let him come in.
Soldier said- ok king. Then went out after few seconds maharishi vedvyas entered. Every family member took his blessings.

Then darshana asked- maharishi, you here suddenly anything important ?

Vyas said- yes darshana there is something important. Kunti and her sons exept karn have to go vanvas. They can't come until they don't get blessing of God.

( From today i will use Pandavas only for yudhisthir, bheem, arjun, nakul and sahdev and for karn i will mention him by his name )

Kunti said- why maharishi suddenly we have to go for vanvas. (Thinking- she is getting all luxury in palace if she will go vanvas there will be no any luxury)

Vyas said- kunti you and your sons have to go for vanvas other wise it will not be good for Hastinapur.

Kunti- but-

before she could say something darshana cut her and said- ok maharishi they will go for vanvas.

Darshana was agreed because she know that now time was about to take turn.

Darshana said to kunti- ma you have to go for vanvas for Hastinapur.

Now kunti have to agree for her reputation and good (fake) image because if she not then she will be questioned for being raajmata of Hastinapur.

Kunti- ok I will go but yudhisthir is yuraaj of Hastinapur he has many responsibilities to fulfill how can he leave Hastinapur.

Bhishm said- it's ok kunti he can go till then darshana will be yuraani of Hastinapur.

Kunti was angry because she have to leave palace but said with a fake smile- ok taatshree.

Vyas said- ok Kunti, you and your sons can start your journey from tomorrow. When your vanvas will about to end i will come to meet you.

They six nodded. all went to their chamber and from tomorrow kunti and Pandavas start their journey of vanvas.

( What you all are thinking guys what will happen during and after vanvas?

Will draupadi's swayamvar will be heppen if yes then what will happen in her swayamvar if no then what will happen in story next?)


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