accept or not

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(BTW i forget to tell you in last chapter that Dushala went to dwarika for some time)

Now let's see what will happen-

Every one was shocked to hear draupadi's demand except kunti. Darshana knew very well that this is not draupadi's plan it is kunti's plan.
Before anyone could say something Gandhari said.

Gandhari- wow just wow. Till yesterday you were insulting her and now you are asking her for her kingdom but with which right, haan.

Draupadi felt insulted so she was about to insult gandhari but kunti her stopped because she know very well that if Draupadi insulted Gandhari her head will be on ground not on neck.

Kunti Said- jiji she can ask anything she want from darshana after all she her sister in law.

But she never behaved like that- duryodhan mumbled but enough to hear for everyone.

All chukled except kunti and her team.

Darshana gave Nishant and vrishsen to vrushali and revti and said them to go to their room as this discussion will be long. Then
Darshana said to draupadi- No, you can't be samragni of vaishali.

Kunti said- but it is her gift and you have to give her.

Darshana said- first of all it's not a gift, it's a demand and secondly I didn't promise to her and more over karn, duryodhan and purab already handling everything there.

Kunti- but putri, she is asking you something first time.

Darshana- So what, if she had asked for my life, I would have given it thinking that she has asked for something for the first time.

All chukled at this.

Kunti was getting irritated so she said- it's my order that you have to give her what she want.

Karn was thinking that Darshana is not giving them vaishali because of him and this can make deference between darshana and kunti so he said before anyone could say something- ok I am ready to give y- darshana cut him and said- Karn, did i say you to give them your kingdom. Did you asked me.

Karn shaked his head in no and said- but jiji because of me you can not give them and because of it mata is angry.

Darshana knew that what he was thinking so she said- karn, I gave that kingdom in your, duri and purab's hand because you three deserve that and i am not giving them because this kingdom is your and i am not giving your rights to anyone and you are also not going to give your rights to anyone.

Karn nodded.

Kunti- how can you do this yudhishthir, bheem arjun nakul sahdev are also your brothers and draupadi is your brother's wife.

Darshana- they all are already prince and princess of Hastinapur.

Kunti- prince and princess? But yudhisthir is yuraaj and draupadi is yuraani.

Darshana- mata, they were. All kingdoms which is s related to me no one is accepting draupadi.

Kunti- but this is wrong.

Darshana said- no matter it's right or wrong, no one can do anything. So if you want any other deal oh sorry gift you can ask.

All chukled.

Draupadi asked- ok then give me Hastinapur.

This time darshana was totally irritated and shouted- Are you out of your mind. Did not you hear that no one is going to accept you as yuraani and you want to be queen and more over here will be only one queen and king which is tau ji and tai ji.

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