Return of the Caveman

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Maddi's POV

This morning was rough I woke up to Shelby getting up to go to the museum and then Rhea getting up to go train with the pack. The good news is it's my day off, the bad news is once I'm awake I struggle to get back to sleep. So I have been awake since 7:30 and it's now 11:30 thanks a lot, Shelby. I should just be getting up now not that early. I need my coffee. Just as I reach the coffee pot my phone goes off. Who is calling this early in the morning?

C-Chase M-Maddi

M- Who is it?

C- Morning Mads.

M- Chase! Why the hell are calling me so early in the morning?

C- It's half eleven Mads. It's mid-day and I need your help.

M- Chase did you call me Mads?

C- Yeah. It's a nickname. Anyway, I need you to help me.

M- Tell me what with and I will consider helping.

C- I need help teaching Koda to ride a bike.

M- If it's for Koda sure. I'll meet you at the park in 15 minutes.

C- See you then. Bye

M- Bye

Now I know you're wondering why I agreed to help Chase but I'm doing it for Koda. I grab my skateboard and make my way down to the park to help Chase and Koda. I don't get how you never learned how to ride a bike. Koda's childhood might not have been easy. Maybe he grew up in the foster system but kept moving around.

When I arrived at the park to saw the boys waiting. Chase turns to me and says "You took your time. We've been waiting for ages." I see Koda giving me the biggest grin "Thank you for helping me" he stutters. Koda is so sweet. He's like the brother I never got. "Let's get started first thing is you need to get a bike that isn't too small. Luckily I have my old one in the car I was going to sell it but you can have it. Let me go and grab it now."

I dart back to my car I grab the bike and as I start wheeling it back I see Chase comforting Koda and it's quite sweet. I have never seen this side of Chase before. It's like a whole new person. All of a sudden I hear a cackle and I see a monster covered in cages. I see the monster look at me and he points his fist at me. The next thing I know is Chase tries to push me out of the way and then we're both in a locked cage in some sort of underground cave. Well, this is the closest I'm gonna get to a dig. Wait, I'm stuck in a cage with the most annoying human on the planet.

Without warning, another cage appears and inside it is Koda and a boy who can't be any older than nine years old. The boy is holding his leg with a look of pain and agony on his face. But Koda looks at home and for some reason like he knows this cave and for some reason it automatically makes me feel a whole lot calmer than I did. The boys are talking but I'm still trying to absorb what the hell just happened. I can see Koda use the gap the bike made to move the cage and get both himself and the little boy Peter out of the cage. They must be going to get help.

Chase and I sit in silence for what feels like hours although it is probably only minutes until Chase speaks up breaking our silence "Why do you hate me?" He turns to me waiting for an answer "I don't." He looks surprised "I just don't trust easily and it's not that I don't trust you. It's because I work hard. I always show up on time, work hard at a job I hate and never get any credit All I get is hate and abuse from Miss Morgan I know she hates me. She doesn't even try to hide it. So yeah I'm a little jealous that you can show up late and not do much to be able to go on a dig."

Chase moves closer puts his jacket over my shoulders and says "You know I only flirt with girls because I never had any real friends when I came here and I know what you mean. When you say you don't trust easily. I moved to a new country not knowing a single person except Miss Morgan so yeah I struggled. Now tell me why you don't trust easily. I promise I won't tell. Scouts honour."

Should I tell him about my Dad? Do I tell him that I'm technically an orphan? For some reason, I trust Chase not to tell anyone. I don't know why I do but I trust him with this. "When I was little I lost my Mom and it completely changed my Dad. He turned to alcohol and I would go days without food lucky neighbours found out and I got put in a group home where I met Rhea we eventually met Shelby in school when her parents found out about our living situation they decided to take me in. But my whole life my dad keeps trying to come back into my life. He keeps saying how he's changed and that he isn't still drinking but every time he lets me down so whenever someone asks where my real parents are I tell them I'm an orphan. The only person who knows about my Dad is Shelby and even then she doesn't know the full story. I think only Rhea knows the story."

Chase gives me a sympathetic look "Mads I had no idea if I did." I shake my head at him "You would have what? It's in the past you can't change the past no matter how much it hurts you. The best thing is to just move on in life because the present means nothing if you keep living in the past." At this point, we're sat right next to each other my head on his shoulder whilst wearing his jacket. I feel my eyelids drooping as the longer I'm in this cage the more of my energy is draining. I try to fight off the drowsiness but I see black spots in my vision and I eventually succumb to the darkness.

Chase's POV

I feel her slump and turn and she's passed out. Her skin is cold to the touch and even though she looks half-dead, she still looks beautiful. The paleness of her complexion makes her lips stand out. Her chest is still moving but very slowly. I have to help her. "Help! Help!" What can I do? I'm not a doctor. I have to help her. I have to.

Suddenly I hear a bang as the other Rangers arrive. Shortly afterwards they get us both out of the cage "We need to help she passed out when we were in that cage almost as if all her energy was drained. She needs medical attention right now." We run straight to Tyler's car and we drive to the museum so that Miss Morgan can help her. When we get to the museum Miss Morgan is packing up the cafe. When she sees Maddi's condition she immediately grabs the medical box and injects her with a red liquid. "That should help her. She won't wake up until the morning and the whole thing will seem like a bad dream. She shouldn't have been in there that long. The only reason Chase was fine is that he is connected to an energem." We sit in silence for a few moments before I say "I'll take the two of you to home Shelby."

The car ride home was awkward, to say the least. You could cut the tension with a knife. "She told you then huh?" I look at Shelby and say "Yeah. Yeah, she did." Shelby looks at me with a stern look "She has decided to trust you and that's huge for her. So if you break that trust I will break you."

We finally arrive at their house and I pick her up and take her to the room that Shelby said was hers I lay her down in her bed and tuck her hair behind her ear kissing her temple I say "Goodnight Mads."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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