Powers from the Past - Rhea

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Rhea's POV

Lunchtime is great. Unless you work retail in a cafe, which I do. So therefore lunchtime sucks. I hate this cafe with a burning passion. I don't fit in. I mean I do kind of keep to myself a bit. I mean in my defence I socialise with my sisters and Koda but not many other people. Anyway, hi I'm Rhiannon or Rhea. Let me start at the beginning.

It all starts when two people love each other. Nah, I'm just kidding. It started 18 years ago when I was left on the side of the road as a newborn. No one had any clue where I came from and no parents were found looking for me so I was put in the foster system. I had originally been looked after by an older couple who couldn't have children but when they both passed I was put in the foster system which is how I met Maddi. We became such good friends we refused to be apart so when we met Shelby her Dad took us in together and the three of us have been the three musketeers ever since. One for all and all for one. Or whatever cringy stuff they say.

Anyway, I'm currently hiding in the back of the truck with Shelby and we've just arrived at the dig site. I feel around in my pocket and realise "I've dropped my inhaler." She looks at me and says "We'll look for it." I shake my head "No. I will not mess this up for you. I'll go look for it and you are going to prove Miss Morgan wrong. For all three of us." She just nods as I walk off to find that stupid inhaler. I know I can get another but they're expensive and I can't afford to keep losing them. Especially since this is a brand-new one.

Time skip

I guess I must have been wondering for a while cause it's starting to get dark. I think I might be lost. I see my inhaler just a little bit in front of me. Now I have that I need to get out of here. I hear a rumble, it must be a car. As I get closer to the sound I notice it's a stampede of deer. As it comes towards me I just manage to dodge getting mufasased or being trampled to death.
I look up and see what they are running from, a creature that looks human-like but is covered in fur and is hunched over I start to crawl away but I break a branch with my hand. It looks at me and gets close enough that I can feel its warm breath on my skin. Eventually, I heard yelling in the distance. I think the creature did cause it looked at me. Before sinking it's fangs into my leg. It hurts so bad. Eventually, it lets go and runs off. I can feel my vision go blurry as I hear "I see her." Before I black out.

When I wake up I'm in a red car I don't recognise, with a driver I don't recognise. I start to panic and go to get up until I see Miss Morgan in the back. I settle back down. When we arrive at the museum I see Maddi and Shelby run out to greet me and I give them both a huge hug. I go to walk in before almost falling again, luckily someone catches me and helps me to a seat. I look at them and say "Did we get new starters?" They both smile and the one in red says "Yeah. I'm Tyler and this is Riley." I chuckle and say "Nice to meet you."
Chase brings out breakfast and we all dig in.

Afterwards, Miss Morgan pulls me to the side and says "I hope you know what you did was extremely reckless. There's a reason I don't have many employees on digs or have qualified workers. Please don't sneak out on digs. Now how is that leg Are you okay to work on it." I nod "Yeah." She gives me a serious look and says "If you want to leave early you can, if you are going to work. I want you on till today so you can at least sit." She says as she walks off I pull up a stool and sit by the till for the rest of my shift.

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