(Ch. 3) Ruby red eyes

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The cave was quite spacious, was near river and there was few bushes with berries. Though its not perfect lociation but fow now this must do.

In this world seems to be Spring right now so I don't think night will be very cold by still i rather build campfire for warm and to cook when i hunt some pray.

Allison gather branches and dry leaves, fortunately she had lighter with her but she leave it for leter, sit down, eat berries and throught about what to do next.

'So.. basicaly I'm in a beastworld, so what now..' she looked at river thinking.

'I won't find mate now. I don't want them for protection or something if they bother me i can just kill them but i don't think it can be good idea sience no one here know me, I don't even know where I am right know.' Allison sigh at through she can do anything with the status of famale but at the same time she can't do anything without strong mates.

She slapped her cheeks and stand up.
''Well, its not like I can't do anything without mate at the moment, firstly I must find city of beasts but for now lest hunt some food like rabbit or wild boar.''

She take her daggers and started moving in the opposite direction from river.

After 15min of walk she found wild boar, she hide behind tree so that will not seen her. After minute of observe she found that it was alone so she attacked it with dagges from behind and slashed its throt. Wild boar strugged for while but Allison stabbed it in the wound. After she killed it she
strengthened her muscle and took it to cave. But what she didn't know is that the pair of ruby eyes looked at her from the time she stepped to the cave.

Pair of red eyes.

In the river lay a snake bigger than a python, its scales was ruby ​​red as its eyes. When he sensed movement over the water he slid closer and were a little surprised at what he saw.

'Famale.. what's she doing here?' he flicked his tounge. 'She doesn't have mate.. Hmm? She beautiful..' He couldn't belive that there it such beautiful famale alone in the forest plus without mate, he pounder for while 'Maybe she couldn't have cubs so she was abandoned.. They don't know how to cherish what they have tsk' When he was about slip awey from there he saw as famale get up and slapped her cheeks talking that she can survive even without mate, but seems don't know where is city and want hunt something. He was greatly shocked and interested in that strange famale.

After famale picked what he asumned was wepons he slide at trees after her 10 meters away.

'Ha! She really killed it!' He perked his tounge happly.

'She beautiful, without mates, maybe she will accept me..' the warm eveloped his cold eyes as he watched her go back to cave.


I already butcher wild boar and let it drenched from blood. Looked at builed campfire and come closer to fire it. After it started burning I left cave to look for some familiar herbs.

She walk around cave looking for them and found cayenne peper, garlic, green onion, cloves and other which she didn't need for now. After she got back she took pork and spiced it with weeds she found. Smell atracted some small animals like ferret, she linked to it with her spiritual link.

''Do you want some?'' She sliced small piece with her dagger and put it on leaf bit away from her so as not to scare animal away.

''Yees!'' ferret run to her side as if something was behind her.

Allison started loughing and sliced few more pieces. She started talking to ferret, at first it was shocked but now they have conversation as if they were old friends. They didn't know but what happening there shocked snake.

After while Allison looked at herself and sigh then looked at river. After while poundering she stood up amd go to river. First she took out her dark red dress from magic space.

 First she took out her dark red dress from magic space

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(Somethinf like that)

After the pleced in ot flat stone she started taking off her clotes samiliar to military but all black. She started to take off her underwear, first she took off her bra showing her full Ccup breasts and then her panties showing her butts and her hairless flower. She stepped into the water waist-deep and let her long black hair down. She started humming a song to herself as she began to relax. After bathing in a river she wore her dress take out warm blanket from space, sat near campfire and and went to the dreamland with pleased look on her face.

Red eyes

Already half morphed snake observe famale from distance. As she eat he goes to hunt few rabits to eas his hunger. As he went back he saw famale taking off her fur. His eyes narrowed and he sucked in air as he felt tingling sensation in his members.
He looked at blood red eyes, her plump breasts which can perfectly fit in his hand and her hairless flower and felt that if he stay here any longer he couldn't stop himself from going to her.

He slid away and morphed into his beast form flicking his tounge.

'She such a gorgeous... I want to kiss her and knead her plump breast, no! I can't, she will hate me.. I talk to her tomorow' After Allison went back into cave he slide back into cave underwather.


This chapter is longer as it has 946 words so I hope that you like it.

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