(Ch. 2) Haha!! I'm in beast world

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In the middle of the forest lies a beautiful woman. She was covered in blood. Birds observed her.

I felt something tap my amr but i couldn't shake it off. It seems could see that i couldn't move so it stopped. I thought i die but it seems that I'm still alive couse 'it hurt so much!!'

I decided to regain my strength with a little rest.  During this time, I focused on my surroundings.  I hear the birds, the wind swaying the clusters of trees and the stamping of small animals like squirrels or rabbits.

'Ha.. It seems I'm in the forest.. but why? If someone moved me I could feel a little but there is nothing, its like I.. teleported or something..' My head started hurting from too much problems on which i couldn't find logic answer.

I decided to use my little magic trick to talk to animals. I sent my spiritual link to few of closest animals it seems to be squirrels.

''Famale.. why is famale in the forest? Shouldn't they be protected in the tribes?"

''Maybe she was kidnapped by feral?!"

''It seems she alone but weren't famales always has many mates with them?''

All I could understand from they talk is that women are protected here and has many bodyguards or something? They could be kidnapped too lub something. Suddenly I could chirping, I send my spiritual link there.

''Look what I found! I seen the orcs give these to famales then they hurt!''

'Orcs.. It seems familiar..'

I could feel something slip in my mouth and i felt burning in my whole body it as if i was burned alive. I lost consciousness.

I woke up and I can move my body a little, I opened my eyes and the first thing i see is tall tree. And its not like these trees has hight like building but a higher. Suddenly i hear chirping, i send my spiritual link there.

''Ahh! She woke up! Look!''
I think its the same bird like before it seems give me something. I tried move my limbs, though I couldn't stand but i could sit against a tree.
First I looked around, around me were tall trees, some bushes, many small animals and I could hear sound of water flowing. I looked at bird and pat its head with by hand.

''Thank you little one.'' I smiled a little

''Its nothing! I'm smart and i'm learning from orcs!'' it rised its head proudly hiting mine hand gently.

''Is that's so..''

''WHAT??!!'' It seems suprised like animals around us, It seems they didn't think I could talk to them.e

''Whoaa.. You can talk to as! Amazing even orcs can't!'' it chirped happly

''It mine little magic trick'' I smiled at reaction. ''Could you tell me what's orc?''

''Eh.. You don't know? Even we know tought we not orcs!''

''Its my little secret but sience its you then I tell you. From the place I come from we don't have orcs. Could you tell mi what's that?''

The little bird bend his head a little as if he think about something
''But you famale how can you live without orcs as mates''

It was then is stucked me where I am.
I started laughing happly .
The little animals were staring at me like crazy that I started laughing even harder.

After 5 minutes i calm down and started thinking.

'Who would have thought that I transigrated to the beast world. Haa.. maybe god took pity on me or something thought I don't know if its world of Bai qingqing or some other there were many novel. Well.. its not like its important, I just crate my new story maybe i don't have to kill anymore' I look up and stare at sky.
It was getting dark.

I look at little bird ''Hey little one it seems I know now where I am and what's orc, thank you for your help before!'' i smiled at him, it seems boy.
''But its getting dark and i must find cave or something, could you guide me somewhere?''

The little bird seems happy and guide me to cave nearby river i hear before.

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