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"Luffy-ya, we need to talk."

Those became Luffy's least favorite words. He wanted to avoid this talk for a long period of time, by a long period of time he meant for the rest of their life when they can take it to their graves. He already felt himself being swayed off his feet as a mix of dizziness and nausea swept over him.

"Talk... talk about what?"

Fucking idiot, he knows what they're going to talk about.

"The kiss."

Law came in and sat down on his bed, Luffy sitting beside him. Trying to fix his hair as Law bows his head down. He was thinking, Luffy can tell by the horrifying serious look on his face. He wanted to avoid this conversation heavily. He should've just shut the door the moment he saw Law and told him to go away.

Law began, "We... can't ever do that again."

"I... I know..."

"I think Nami is already starting to grow concerned and suspicious. She already was when we started talking..." He trailed off.

Luffy's pulse echoed in his ears, it was like every word that came out of Law's mouth affected his whole future. In a way, it did, how they would move on from the "mistake" they've committed. It was something they can never take back or forget despite all the liquor they drank.

"I think we should stop having contact, completely."

The world then stopped for a moment, Luffy trying to process what Law had said. No contact, no messages, no calls, no talking. No more warmth that Luffy felt, no more soft touch of his hand against his cheekbones, and no more sweet smile that made his heart skip a beat.

"Is that what you truly want?..." Luffy asked, his eyes growing teary.

Law paused for a moment and looked away from him.

"Just tell me what you want," He began sobbing, "Not what Nami wants or anyone else... what do you want?"

There was silence ringing in the room, the kind of silence that hurt your eyes and killed you painfully. Not the usual comforting silence the two of them shared where it was relaxing and calm. But an ear-ringing one that constantly shouted. As every second went by felt like an eternity.

"Yes. That is what I truly want."

Luffy turned away from Law as well, the tears stinging and pouring out like a flood. The soft cries filled the silence, as Law just stared at the wall and Luffy bawled into his hands. Feeling the pain and anguish.

"You really don't feel the same way?" Luffy shot up, "You're telling me you never felt something between us after everything?!"

Law stood up, "Of course I did! But... I don't want to feel that with you. I can't."

"Why?! Why can't you feel that way towards me?!"

"Because it isn't right! We aren't right! This whole thing isn't right, w-we betrayed Nami. Don't you get it? Stop thinking about your own feelings and think about her."

"There's not a day that goes by I don't think about Nami's feelings, she's my best friend..." Luffy paused, "But is it so horrible to put yourself first sometimes? Is it bad to consider my feelings once in a while?"

"It's good to put your feelings first, but consider others as well. Especially your best friend, the one who's always been by your side your whole life." Law stated.

He slapped Law across the face, "Fine if that's what you truly want then go! Leave! Get the fuck out!"

Law tried grabbing his hands that kept hitting him, "Lu-Luffy-ya please, stop... I just—"

"No! Get the fuck out I don't want to see you ever again!" He whacked him.

When he stopped hitting him Law gently sat him down back on the bed. Wiping the tears from his cheeks, he softly rubbed his thumb against his cheekbones. Law would never say this out loud at this moment, but he wanted to kiss him one last time. He needed to kiss him, the desire he denied constantly was shouting at him.

Kiss him already!

But, he stood back up and began walking to the door. Regret already pooling inside of him, the door. The door is his answer to the future he decides. If he walks through it, he'll be living a life with Nami. Constantly cooped up in a salon, drawing tattoos but with no Luffy anymore.

But if he stayed with Luffy, it would be a life of passion and laughter. A life of memories and music, walking together in the park, listening to each other speak, and doing something small such as waking up early to watch the sunrise and drinking tea.

He wanted to have a good life. To have coffee in the morning with him, love him throughout the day with every second, hold his hand without having to worry who watches, to kiss his lovely face loudly in front of everyone. So, anyone who hears or sees them together, knows that Luffy was his. Then in all that sound, they can rest together in peace and quiet.

But not even Law himself didn't know what went through his brain. He continued walking to the door, turned the doorknob, and shut it.

He shut the door.

Luffy collapsed onto his knees. His crying destroyed his whole face as it stained it with tears, his nails digging into his skin. Feeling sick of being himself it was nauseating.

Sabo ran into the room and hugged him, "Luffy are you okay?!"

Luffy didn't answer he just cried. Thinking about the night he met Law, how in just a second he became the world to him. His first thought when he wakes up and his last thought when he goes to sleep. He felt this overwhelming feeling of disbelief at what had happened. Trying to make sense of it all.

His heart shattered as he felt vulnerable and all alone. Like he was in a daze, as if he was out of his own body. All the hopes and plans he had for himself and Law all taken away by just one conversation.

He did believe he truly loved Law, foolishly thinking he felt the same way.

He fully trusted and accepted him, he could rely on him and be himself. He was able to share his deepest thoughts and feelings, knowing that Law was always going to be there for him. Even if it was only platonically, not romantically. It was a warmth and joy, just being in his presence.

Surrounded by his warmth and happiness was reward enough. It felt like butterflies in his stomach whenever his name was brought up, or a rush of excitement and emotion. It was a perfect mix of comfort and peace, with ecstatic and anticipation.

But this wasn't a romance, not like those classic novels and movies.

That was the hardest part Luffy couldn't swallow. The acceptance of knowing the large chance of him not coming back. He wasn't going to come back tomorrow with an arm full of flowers, on one knee, holding Luffy's hand. He was never going to do some grand gesture where he expresses to a whole group of people how much he loves Luffy. It's hard to lose Law, especially knowing it would be forever.

Luffy fainted as his head hit the floor, he honestly doesn't believe he will ever love someone the way he loves Law.


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