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"You still haven't talked to Bonnie?" Chloe asked

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"You still haven't talked to Bonnie?" Chloe asked.

"No. I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move" Caroline said as the two girls arrived at school.

"Why don't you try being the bigger person for once?" Chloe asked.

Caroline scoffed. "Impossible in her presence."

"I don't even understand why you're so upset."

"She's a thief, that's why. I gave her my necklace and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle" Caroline said.

"It was an ugly necklace, Care" Chloe laughed.

"Principle, Chloe! Principle!"

Both girls looked up as Matt walked past them. "Hey!" Caroline waved as Chloe just gave him a smile. "Hey," he said back before continuing on his way.

Chloe looked at her sister wondering why she looked so crushed. "What's wrong with you?" she asked.

"He totally just blew me off!"

"He said hey. What was he supposed to say?" Chloe asked. "Anything! Especially after last night" Caroline said.

"Please don't tell me you hooked up with Matt. It's too early and I'll have to vomit right here and now."

"No we didn't have sex. He brought me home and we just...cuddled. And it was nice except now he's definelty ignoring me."

"I have to get to class," Chloe said, as the bell rang. "But he is not ignoring you. I think you're just reading too much into it."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After class, Bonnie, Elena, and Chloe sat out in the quad where Bonnie explained the dream she had last night that turned into her sleepwalking out into the woods.

"And then I ended up at the remains of old Fell's Church before I woke up back in the woods," she said.

"And you always see your ancestor Emily?" Elena asked.

"Maybe your being haunted" Chloe suggested. Elena looked at her like she was crazy but Bonnie thought she was right.

"I think I am. Like she's a ghost or something."

"Okay but why Emily?" Elena asked.

"Grams said she was a powerful witch back in the Civil War days and that this medallion was hers, a witch's talisman," Bonnie said.

"And it all started when you got the necklace?" Elena asked, curious as to how Damon got it in the first place.

Bonnie nodded. "I think she's using it to communicate with me."

"What does Grams say about it?"

"I can't call her. She's gonna tell me to embrace it. I don't want to embrace it. I want it to stop."

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