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After their mom was successfully compelled, everything was supposed to go back to normal

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After their mom was successfully compelled, everything was supposed to go back to normal. Except, for Chloe, it couldn't. Even if her mom didn't remember that she was a vampire, Chloe still remembered that even if it was for just a few days, her mom hated her.

So she had been spending more and more days at the grill, just needing to get away from her.

But her last visit to the grill didn't end so well.

Stefan walked into the study to see her sitting with Caroline and Damon. "What happened?" he asked.

"Go ahead, tell him. You're gonna love this" Damon said.

Chloe sighed as she took a sip of the blood he gave her.

"I saw Katherine today," she told him.


"At the grill. I had to get out of my house. My mom being all nice to me after what happened was freaking me out" she said. "Anyway, she corned me in the bathroom pretending to be Elena but I knew Elena was home. She wanted me to deliver a message."

"What was the message?" Stefan asked.

"She said she wants the moonstone or she'll rip the town apart until it rains blood," Chloe said.

"Tell him the rest of it," Damon said.

"She said she'll be there tonight. At the masquerade ball," she said.

"She's gonna do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard" Stefan said.

"She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks" Damon said, referring to how last night she compelled Jenna to stab herself, but thankfully she was okay.

"We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her" Stefan said.

"Can't we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?" Caroline asked.

"No. Katherine's not getting dick. I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her tonight" Damon said.

"Isn't she like 20 times stronger than you? You need an actual plan" Chloe said.

"I know what to do," Stefan said. "I'm gonna call Rick."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Caroline opened the door as Bonnie walked in. Alaric and Jeremy were already there. "Hey, come on in."

"I got Stefan's message," Bonnie said.

"Hey, you brought the grimoire. Thank you" Stefan said. Bonnie looked around the room at the weapons that Alaric had laid out.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"We're gonna kill Katherine," Jeremy said. Bonnie turned to Stefan, confused.

"I can explain," he said.

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