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Caroline, sitting on the front porch of Tyler's house, shot up when she saw Chloe arriving with Matt

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Caroline, sitting on the front porch of Tyler's house, shot up when she saw Chloe arriving with Matt.

"Why did you bring Matt?" she asked.

"I told you he wasn't compelled," Chloe said as she pushed them inside. "Get in."

Locking the door behind her she sighed, resting her back against the door.

"We're not safe here. If that thing wants in, it's getting in" Matt said, reloading his gun.

"How did you even know? I compelled you to forget" Caroline said.

"I was on vervain. I faked forgetting so I could spy on you. It was your mom's idea" Matt said.

"Wait our mom knows?" Chloe asked.

"Oh my god. You told her! What'd she say?" Caroline asked.

"Your mom hates vampires. She grew up hating vampires. She'll probably always hate vampires" Matt said.

"Well, what about you?" Caroline asked.

"What about me?" Matt asked.

"Well, where does this leave us?" Caroline asked.

"Stuck in this house, trying not to get mauled to death by our friend," Matt said.

Chloe sighed, squeezing Caroline's hand as she sat on the couch.

"You don't think I killed him, do you?" he asked.

"No. Wooden bullets wouldn't have killed him. He's definitely still out there" Chloe said.

"Do you think our mom wants to kill us?" Caroline asked.

"No, she-"

"I don't think your mom knows what to do with you," Matt said.

"I don't know what to do with me either" Caroline mumbled.

Hearing a rattling noise outside, Chloe turned toward the door.

"What is it?" Matt asked.

"Wait here," Chloe said as she rushed over to the door. Peaking through the window she let out a sigh of relief seeing, Tyler lying on the porch.

Grabbing a blanket from the couch she rushed outside, draping it over his body.

"Hey. Tyler, you're okay" she said, kneeling over him.

He turned to look at her, sweat dripping down his face as he had no idea how he made it back home. "Chloe?"

"You're okay. It's over now" she said. "Let's get you inside."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After making sure, Tyler was okay Chloe headed back downstairs, expecting to find Caroline and Matt but Matt was gone.

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