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Chloe had been in the hospital all night

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Chloe had been in the hospital all night. She was sitting next to Matt, tears still streaming down her face. She turned hearing someone call her name.

When she saw Elena rushing in with Bonnie right behind her Chloe rushed over, allowing Elena to pull her into a hug.

"What happened? How's Caroline?" Elena asked.

"It's really bad" Chloe cried. "Tyler heard this noise and they crashed and...and now she's in surgery but they don't know if she's gonna make it."

"What?" Both Elena and Bonnie felt like they were going to be sick at the thought of losing Caroline. They had never seen Chloe so distraught before.

"Isn't there something you can do?" Elena asked, looking at Bonnie. "Some kind of spell or something?"

"She doesn't know how," Damon said as he walked over. "Do you?"

"No, I don't," Bonnie asked, shaking her head.

"What did my mom want?" Chloe asked him, as she used her sleeve to wipe away her tears.

"The mayor. He was down in the basement with me. He died" he told her.

"What? What do you mean he's dead? He wasn't a vampire. He...oh my god, Tyler" Chloe brushed the bangs out of her face, her heart breaking all over again. "Oh my god and his mom! I have to-"

Damon grabbed her arms, seeing that she was about to spiral. "You need to focus on Caroline. I can give her some blood" he said.

Chloe immediately shook her head. "No. No way."

"No, no. Just enough to heal her. She'll be safe in the hospital and it'll be out of her system in a day. She'll be better, Chloe" he said.

"It's too risky. I can't agree to that" she said.

"Chloe. You have to. It's Caroline" Elena said, gently rubbing her arm.

"But if something happens-"

"It won't," Damon said. "I promise."

Chloe nodded, knowing she didn't have any other options. "Fine."

"We're gonna go check on Matt," Elena said as she and Bonnie walked over to him.

"Alright, I know this is probably the last thing you wanna do right now but we should talk about what happened tonight," he said.

"No, Damon. I can't. We can't" she said, shaking her head.

"What do you mean we can't?" he asked.

"I mean practically everyone important to me hates you. Bonnie hates you. Caroline absolutely most definitely hates you and would hate me if she found out" she told him.

"Okay and what if I get them to unhate me?" he asked.

"Damon. I...things are complicated, okay. I mean Tyler and I-"

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