When Liam said that he had no intention of leaving Nova alone longer than he had to, he meant it. She found it kind of adorable, actually... the way he insisted on walking her to music class 'in case she forgot her way there' and telling her he and Mason would be there at the end of the period so they could walk to lunch together.
Nova didn't really take it to heart though, resolving to just spend her lunch hour in the classroom with her violin. It was why she was so surprised when a cautious knock sounded at the door as she tried to remember the piece they were studying as a class by memory, keeping her eyes carefully closed the entire time.
She turned toward the sound as she stopped, tilting her head curiously with a smile when she saw that Liam and Mason were actually standing there, waiting for her.
"Sorry," Mason said, looking a little embarrassed. "We wanted to make sure you didn't forget to eat."
Liam was just staring at the instrument in her hand, so wide-eyed it made her blush a little. "Yeah," she replied, biting her lip as she looked at all of her sheet music. "Just give me a second, I'll be good to go."
Mason walked in leisurely as she carefully placed her violin away, slotting the bow into the little pocket in the case and closing it. When she turned, he was carefully putting all of her music back into the folder she brought to class. "You didn't think he meant it, did you?" he asked curiously, glancing at Liam at the door.
Nova shrugged a little. "I thought he was just being nice," she admitted.
"Nope," Mason assured her as she carefully took the folder from him. "He's imprinted on you like a baby duck... I meant it when I said you were stuck with us, you know. When Liam decides you're his friend, he's not backing down easily."
Chuckling a little, Nova hopped down from the raised steps she'd been standing on as she approached Liam. "Thanks," she said simply. "I probably would have spent lunch in here if you hadn't shown up, to be honest."
Liam frowned, tilting his head a little as he gently—almost carefully so—took the folder she was holding from her. "Why wouldn't I?" he asked. "I said we would pick you up from class, didn't I?"
She didn't really have an answer to that, to be honest, so she just settled for a bashful smile as Mason directed them to her locker so she could drop her things off. Grabbing her lunch money, Nova found herself in between Mason and Liam as they made their way down to the cafeteria. She stayed quiet for the most part, letting them talk about their classes and weird things that had happened, each paying for their meals before looking for a table.
"Liam, Mason!" a voice called out, making the three look around to see the guy from practice the previous day—Garret—waving to them from his seat beside a pretty girl with dark hair a shade or two lighter than Nova's. Nova hesitated a little, sure that Liam and Mason would call a raincheck on lunch and go sit with their friends, but Mason seemed to note that and locked elbows with her, steadily dragging her over to the table.
"Hey guys," he said cheerily as he dropped into the seat across from the girl. "This is Nova, have you met her?"
Liam sat down two seats from Mason, sending the clear message that Nova was supposed to sit between them, which she did, albeit a little hesitantly. Garret grinned at her with a little recognition.
"Yeah, you were at practice yesterday, right? You're cousins with Cadmus!"
Nova nodded with a small smile as the girl beside Garret beamed at her. "I'm Violet," she greeted. "We have English together... you play the violin, right?"
"Yeah," she supplied. "A couple more, but violin's my main instrument."
Mason glanced at her curiously as he took a sip of water. "How many is a few?"

ASHES ASHES | teen wolf
FanficNova Thurman had lived in the shadow of death since her seventh birthday and the tragic accident her mother was lost to. She became strangely used to the idea that she would die, and the fear disappeared when she lost her father too. Nova Thurman kn...