Of all the places Cadmus was expecting to be on a Monday morning, the Sherriff's station with Stiles and Scott was not it. Noah Stilinski was watching him a little suspiciously, and the urge to let his eyes go orange and slitted was becoming overwhelming.
Stiles was tapping out the printed version of the Deadpool they had on hand, trying to explain the circumstances to his dad. "So, the Walcotts were the first."
Cadmus made a face. "You don't know that for sure," he pointed out. "No offense, Sherriff... but with the number of murders in Beacon Hills, there's no way to know how many of them weren't exactly human."
Stilinski shrugged, conceding to Cadmus's point and Stiles grimaced.
"Right," he agreed. "They're the first we know about. Four murders—Sean, his brother, and their parents. They were killed by a professional assassin called the Mute; weapon of choice, a military tomahawk. But then, the Mute was killed by Peter Hale after he tried to blow up Derek with a claymore mine. Next was Demarco. He delivered a keg to the party at Lydia's lake house."
Stiles hesitated a little, so Cadmus cut in again. "And the poor bugger got decapitated outside his car... not a pretty way to go."
Stiles took the reins again. "Last night, twenty-three-year-old Carrie Hudson..."
Scott grimaced but took control of the conversation. "It's a Deadpool," he explained. "A hit-list of supernatural creatures. This is only part of it, the rest still has to be decoded."
The Sherriff nodded slowly. "Who found this list?"
"Lydia," Stiles supplied quickly.
The man didn't look surprised. "How?"
Cadmus grinned. "Well, she was the one who wrote it, hardly any finding necessary."
Stiles reached around to pinch the other boy, ignoring the irritated noise Cadmus responded with. "Actually," he corrected with a sniff. "She transcribed it... without realizing it."
Stilinski sighed, clearly knowing the answer but not wanting to have it confirmed. "Banshee?"
Stiles nodded in confirmation, not even blinking an eye at the conversation. "Banshee."
Rubbing a hand over his eyes, Stilinski nodded slowly. "Beautiful," he took a second before speaking again, probably wondering how he got stuck with all the supernatural bullshit. When he did speak again, he seemed pretty put together, considering the circumstances. "All right, what are these numbers next to the names?"
Stiles fixed his father with a disapproving stare, like a teacher who was irritated with a student who was interrupting his conversation with the principal. "We're getting to that. First, you need to know that the code was broken with a cipher key.":
The Sherriff blinked again. "Wait, you mean, like, a... like a keyword?"
Cadmus frowned a little, realizing that it was probably going to be easier if he waved the other two boys into the answer. His voice wasn't joking or sarcastic like it had been the entire conversation. "Not exactly," he said quietly. "It was actually a name—"
"—Allison," Scott's voice was a little hoarse as he cut Cadmus off. "Her name broke a third of the list, and now we think there's two other cipher keys."
"Which will give us the rest of the names," Stilinski said, nodding slowly. "Okay... so, how do we get the cipher keys?"
Cadmus shrugged as he exchanged a look with Scott, a little taken aback by the almost fond look on the werewolf's face. "Same way we got the code."

ASHES ASHES | teen wolf
FanficNova Thurman had lived in the shadow of death since her seventh birthday and the tragic accident her mother was lost to. She became strangely used to the idea that she would die, and the fear disappeared when she lost her father too. Nova Thurman kn...