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"She loved him and he loved
her but it wasn't that

People can do worse than kill you. Caroline Lupin knew this all too well, she had lost so much in the last two years.

Her life was not how she imagined it at all.

By nineteen the age she is now, she had wished to further her education in astrology and be on track to becoming a professor and teaching at a wizarding school or using her expertise to help figure out what the stars tell them. She believed stars held a lot of information; you just had to know how to read them.

Instead she stood in a small empty cottage rocking the one year old infant in her arms trying to make sure she didn't wake. It had taken her hours to get her to sleep.

The teenager had dark circles under her eyes and her chestnut brown hair was tossed in a messy bun that had started to fall out.

with one room and an attic, one bathroom and a living room that was only separated from the kitchen with a small arch way. There was no furniture yet just herself, her daughter and a baby carrier.

No when Caroline thought of her life at this age she imagined it first starting not feeling like it was coming to an end.

She had lost so much her best friend Alice had been tortured to insanity by their other friend Barty turned out to have played a part in it and ended up in Azkaban, Lily and James were dead, and the love of her life, he was gone and now she had to figure out all of her grief and care for a living breathing human.

To say she was Terrified was an understatement. But she had to try and keep it together, she had to smile and carry on so her daughter would never feel her pain.

At least she had her brother Remus and the Weasley's who agreed to have her when she was working.

A simple magic shop was not where she had imagined to be working but as clearly stated nothing was as she imagined.

She figured that she'd start on getting everything into the cottage as it was now her home.

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