A Three Headed Dog!

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"You have to stop them El they'll lose us a lot of house points!"

Cried Hermione Granger as she had her arm glued around her new best friend Estella's arm.

"Why can't you stop them?" Trufully the brunette believed Malfoy had it coming, he had been insufferable since they arrived.

"Because they don't like me like they do you. They'll listen to you, El they won't even acknowledge me." Frowning from her friends sad words, Estella squeezed Hemione's hand, trying to help her feel better.

The bushy haird girl sent a back a small smile and quickly shook away the slight sadness that started to creep in. "Just promise me you will talk to them."

Estella sighed in defeat and nodded. "I will talk to them." Hermione let out a happy squeal as they made their way into the library.


It wasn't hard to find her best friend Ron, and also Harry. They had been playing wizard chess in the common room just after dinner.

With a clearing of her throat, Estella stood tall beside the small table they were playing at. They looked at her with confused expressions.

At this time, the common room was filled with Gryffindors of all years, so she had to keep her voice down.

"So what's this who duel thing with Malfoy." Her arms stayed crossed as she leaned closer and whispered to them.

They looked at her wide-eyed before turning to each other, and Ron annoyingly mutters, "Hermione." before putting his head in his hand.

"Ella, if you're going to talk us out of it, it's not going to work," Harry told her in a hushed voice. Estella quickly takes a seat with them "Look Hermione wants me to talk you out of this but if being friends with Ron all these years has taught me anything its that he never does what he's told and you seem to have followed in those footsteps, so no I am not here to stop you." she pauses, and Harry, for a second, is worried that she is going to go to Percy or even worse, McGonagall. Ron knew better than that. "So you're in?" Estella smiles at the two and throws an arm around Harry "yeah I'm in."

The blush that crept on Harry's face wasn't missed by Ron.


That night, Estella fell asleep until 11:30 pm. Then she got up and put on her fluffy slippers and quietly snuck out of her dorm room, careful not to wake anyone, especially Hermione

Once down there, she spotted Harry and Ron emerging from the stairs that led to their room, and they met in the centre of the room.

It was pitch black, not even a candle lit, she could just make out the red colour of the sofa and chairs with the moonlight that filtered into the room from the big window.

"I can't believe you're going to do this, Harry." A voice spoke as the lamp in the corner turned on. Sat there in the light of the lamp was Hermione Granger. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her pink dressing gown almost reaching the floor as she stood up. She glared at the three. "You!" said Ron furiously. "Go back to bed!"

His head snapped towards Estella. "Did you not check to see if everyone was in bed asleep?" Estella blushed, feeling embarrassed now. She had been careful not to wake her fellow dorm mates, but she hadn't thought to check if they were actually asleep. She rubbed the back of her neck nervously. She felt kind of guilty now. They could end up in serious trouble now, and it was all her fault.

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