Troll attack on Halloween

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Normally, Estella loved the cold. The feeling of a soothing chill while curled up with a nice blanket and hot chocolate reading a good book. She much preferred the cold to being too warm, but what she didn't like was. The cold shoulder.

Hermione Granger was giving her the cold shoulder all day.

The bushy-haired girl refused to even acknowledge her. At breakfast, when she had called Hermione's name and waved, the girl simply held her nose in the air and carried on walking.

"It's alright Stell never mind her she's a bossy know-it-all anyway," Ron commented his mouth full of a hashbrown.

Estella still frowned. The first girl-friend she had made at the school and she had ruined it.

Harry didn't like seeing his friend look so down, so he decided to try to change the subject to the excitement of the night before.

"The thing the dog is hiding, I think it could be protecting the object Hagrid picked up for Dumbledore when I went to Diagon Alley," Harry said, leaning his head in keeping his voice low as he spoke to his two best friends.

Estella's interest peaked, and she instantly forgot about Hermione for the time being.

Noticing his friends listening, he continued in a hushed voice. "Someone had broken into Gringotts to get it surely. They would put something dangerous like that dog in charge of protecting it."

Estella nods, and Ron beams with excitement. He had gotten a thrill from sneaking out, and now that he wasn't in front of the beast, he was walking around with his chest slightly puffed out and a stride of newfound confidence. Ron loved a good adventure, and this had been the best and most dangerous yet.

"We have to go back," Ron comments.

Estella's eyes widened. "That thing could have killed us, Ron!" She exclaimed in a whisper.

"I thought you liked a little danger." Ron retorted, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, when the biggest threat is being grounded, not eaten alive." Estella retorted

There was no denying that she had loved the adrenaline, the thrill of it all, but she feared that had cost her Hermione. Not to mention if her mother found out her werewolf uncle wouldn't be the scariest of the Lupin siblings. Dumbledore would be no match for Caroline Lupin when she went mumma bear mode.

It hadn't taken long for the post to arrive.

Estella had received a letter from her mother and her uncle Remus. However, her focus was on the very large and long package in front of Harry.

The three read the note attached, it had been from Professor McGonagall. "A nimbus 2000nd!" Ron exclaimed in a whisper. "Keep it down, McGonagall didn't want others to know. That's why the instructions said to open it in the common room." Estella shushed him.

"Come on I want to go open it," Harry said getting up the broomstick still wrapped up in his arms. Ron excitedly got up to, Estellla however stayed sitting at the table, "you coming El?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nah you go ahead I'm going to read the letter from my mum." Estella sent them a small smile and the two boys quickly headed off. "Remember we have practice at seven," Harry called to her as he and Ron left.

Estella let out a soft laugh as she shook her head, those two were really something.

Darting her eyes back to the letters in front of her Estella opened the one from her mother.

To my little star,

I am so Proud of you! Getting Chaser in your first year is beyond extraordinary, It seems the apprentice has suppassed the master. McGonagall informed me that you are allowed a broom, so I dug my old one out of the shed. It's being polished and fixed up as we speak. I know it is no Nimbus 2000, but the old Cleansweep Five helped my team to victory many times and I know you'd do great on any broom. I'm sure your uncle Remus will write to you gushing about how proud of you he is two, anyway you get the point we're proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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