Journey To Hogwarts

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We will meet again when the ocean and sky are at its most calm and reflect each other beautifully.

Diagon Alley was bustling with people. School would start in a couple of weeks and parents and children were running around trying to get all the supplies needed for the new school year. The Lupin girls were no different; Estella had a long list of things she needed for her first year.

First stop had been Flourish and Blotts for her school books and she had been treated to another book of her choosing. Estella had chosen 'The Stars In Our Skies'. It was an astrology book obviously and it had been a new one out, not even her mother's shop had it in yet.

Next up was Potage's Cauldron shop where she got her potion supplies. Glinda's Glorious Goods was next up. It was the shop her mother worked at so they got a discount on parchments and got a beautiful black to dark blue quill with some sparkles resembling stars, as well as inc to go with it.

Then it was off to Madam Malkin's to get school uniform and robes fitted. Estella stood on a small pedestal as one of the workers altered the robe on her while her mother went to look at jumpers and shirts.

After the mother-daughter duo finished getting the uniform sorted Caroline had just about enough money to get her daughter a wand. She had been saving for her daughter's school supplies for about three years now and they had almost blown through it all. Then again Caroline didn't make lots of money working at Glinda's.

Olivanders bell rang as they entered the shop. Estella was shocked about the amount of wands that were scattered around, especially on the back shelf that seemed to go on forever. Caroline on the other hand had a look of nostalgia it felt like yesterday when she was brought in to get her first wand. She had been so excited and she remembered Remus who was going into his third year teasing her about skipping her way to the shop.

"Ahh, a familiar face I see." An old man with ash blonde hair with grey strands said looking at Caroline his silver eyes gleaming with excitement at seeing the woman all grown up "Need a new wand dear?" Caroline shook her head and put her arms around her daughter bringing her closer to the front desk "No my daughter Estella needs one she's starting Hogwarts this year." Oliver clasped his hands together "Oh yes I am waiting for the time when you'd be needing a new wand-" Oliver put his index finger on his cheek thinking before snapping his fingers "Ahh yes let's try that one." He ran to the back and came back with a green, dusty, old-looking box. "This is a unicorn core, sycamore wood 12 inches give it a wave my dear," Olivander said gently, handing her the wand. As she waved it the lamp behind them exploded and she quickly placed the wand back onto the counter. "I'm so so so sorry."

Olivander waved her off "No worries dear it happens a lot." He said and sent her mother a knowing look which caused her to blush in embarrassment. The next three didn't go great either and Olivander had to use 'repairo' a lot to fix what was broken but his smile never faltered and he assured her it happened all the time.

He came back with another wand and by this point, Estella was feeling as if she would never find a wand. This one is "Larch wood with a unicorn hair core, 12 ¼ and rigid flexibility. Now give it a whirl." He said and took a small step back.

Estella flinched as she waved the wand, sure something would break yet again but instead, she felt a golden glow on her cheeks and a comforting warmth. It felt like she and the wand connected.

Her eyes went wide as she looked at the wand and a toothy smile plastered on her face.

Caroline was so proud of her daughter she knew she would be great. She would make a better life for herself and become an amazing witch.

They paid and after getting some ice creams they headed home.


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