Hogwarts Letter

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10 years later

That small empty cottage had burst into life over the past 10 years. Caroline Lupin had grown a garden but had quickly left the plants to overgrow after realising that she definitely didn't have a green thumb.

The walls inside were an array of different colours mostly consisting of purples and blues to represent her love of the night sky. While the furniture seemed to have no theme. The sofa was an old floral print and the table was chipped oak wood while the lampshades were beige with small stars cut out of them.

Caroline's daughter Estella had grown up and she was sure she would be attending Hogwarts that September. She had adopted her mother's love of the stars and the two had spent her 11th birthday painting the girl's bedroom ceiling to look like a night sky glistening with stars.

The two were as close as a mother and daughter could be. People would often look their way and think of an older sister messing around with her little sister. They would do everything together.

The day of July 20th seemed like any other Caroline was cooking some pancakes in the kitchen... well toasting the store-bought ones, she let Estella sleep in like she did any time that they both didn't have to rush out the door in the morning for work or school.

That's when she heard a knock on her kitchen window. She saw her owl Leo at the window with mail in his beak.

The brunette quickly opened a jar that had some loose sickles and Gallions in it that she kept to give to Leo whenever he arrived as well as some dead Beatles to feed him that she found in the garden.

She opened the window after putting it all in a tiny cloth that she made into a makeshift bag. "Hey Leo, what have you got me today?" The woman said gently stroking his black feathers before taking the letters.

The first letter was from Mary Mccdonall the two had become close since the worst year of their lives. They both had lost so much that they leaned on each other for comfort as no one else besides Remus knew their pain.

She looked at the blackbird "Stick around Leo I'll need to write back." She said but still gave him his small care package which he enjoyed greatly.

Caroline sat on the blue chair at the oak table before putting other letters aside to get to later.

Dear Caroline.

I hope you are well.

I am currently sitting at a coffee shop in France on a red sofa. It reminds me a lot of the one we all used to hang out on in the Gryffindor common room.

I can imagine James and Sirius fighting about stupid things like what the worst Barty botts every flavour bean was before resorting to throwing them at each other. I can imagine Peter laughing along and ending up on the floor while Marline Jumped on James just to be involved in the playful fight while Remus and Lily sat there looking so done with everything. I miss those times and I am sure I forever will but at least I still have you and Remus to reminisce with.

Oh how I wish you were here with me we could go out dancing, you know I love to dance and we could go see the Elfiltower and visit wizard shops here but I understand why you didn't.
Remus told me that he had to leave another job again this month and that you were helping him. I hate that he keeps being let go. I can't imagine that he's not brilliant at everything he puts his mind to but wish him well for me will you?

Tell Estella that her aunt Mary misses her. Speaking of the little star, she should be getting her Hogwarts letter soon and the second she does I must hear about it so I can help with shopping.

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