48: Goodbye's

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{Sadie's POV}

"Do you have everything you need sweetheart?" asked my mum. Our eyes met as I nod and smile at her. "I'm gonna miss you so much," she added looking at me.

"I'll miss you too Mum," I replied as I hug her. 

We were at the airport. It was the day of my departure to America. A couple of days ago I told my mum about my plan, I didn't need to think twice about it. She still doesn't know about everything that has happened. I actually feel bad for not telling my mum, but its better this way. She still hangs out with Tricia so she must not know anything as well. If I told my mum, it would ruin their friendship and I would ruin everything again. I remember that night I told her about my plan on moving back to America.

"Mum," I looked at her, "I wanna move back to America."

"Honey," she said looking at me with worry in her eyes.

"I wanna go to college there Mum and actually start over," I continued. 

"But...What do you mean start over honey?" she asked me, the worry still present in her voice.

"I'm an adult now Mum, I want to start my own life," I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's great honey," she smiled and added, "but why now? What about Zayn and Eliz and all the boys?" she asked. I shuddered at the thought, they're exactly the reason why I want to leave.

"Uhm..it doesn't matter Mum I just want to get settled in," I said.

She didn't  pressed it and agreed to get me the tickets. 

Dylan's reaction, on the other hand, was different. He tried to talk me out of it, key word: tried. I'm leaving and that's final. If Dylan can't talk me out of it, no one can. My best friend-- ex-best friend doesn't even know I'm leaving, not that I know of. I don't really care if she knows or not, she can't convince me to stay, not after everything. I took a deep breathe before shrugging off all the thoughts.

My mum and I broke our hug. I watched her walk away to give Dylan and I privacy before shifting my gaze to my utterly amazing brother.

"Dyl," I said, quietly.

"Do you really have to leave, Sadie?" he said, looking down at me, sadly.

"It's been so long since I hear you say my name like that, Dyl," I replied, smiling a little bit.

"Sadie," he said, again.

"I have to Dylan," I answered his original question, "You know I do." 

"Come here," he said, giving me a bear hug. We hugged for a long time. I've always been close to Dylan. He's been my guardian angel since I was born. "I'll miss you so much little sis," he said.

"I'll miss you to Dyls," I said breaking the hug. "Be good," I added, smiling. He smiled back. 

Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 347 to New York, USA . We are now ready to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Thank you. 

"That would be me," I said, smiling sadly at Dylan. As my mum came back, I bade them final goodbye's before getting on the plane. "I love you guys so much," I said sadly, as they headed to the door.

A couple of minutes later I was settled in the plane. The pilot announces we needed to turn off any electronic devices, so I took out my phone, revealing a bunch of messages and missed calls. I opened them, swiftly.

They were all from Eliz.

:Dylan told me (8:01 pm) 

:Why R you doing this Sadie? I mean I know but you can't just leave (8:03 pm) 


:When are you leaving? (8:06 pm) 

:You NEED to hear me out Sadie! I KNOW EVERYTHING NOW! (8:07 pm) 

:Will you just please talk to me? 

:Your a coward for running away Sadie

I stopped reading and deleted the rest of the her text messages as the pilot announced our departure.

Looking at the window, I thought about Eliz's text messages. She has no right to call me a coward. I never intended to run away from all my problems and I'm not a coward for doing so. I've been facing each and every one of my problems my whole life. She has no right to judge me. She was by my side almost my whole life, she was with me through thick and thin, but that doesn't mean she knows everything. She doesn't. She doesn't know how much pain I've been through. She doesn't know what that I've been through. She doesn't know how stupid I felt after everything. She doesn't know how I must have felt after giving him a second chance and realizing that he can never be my mine.

And Zayn. Giving him a second chance was the second stupidest thing I have ever done. You're probably asking what's the first one. Obviously, it's falling for him in the first place. I can't believe I thought for one second that he actually have feelings not just for me, but humane feelings. I know I've been such a fool for believing that he actually have feelings.

Now I realize that Zayn wasn't mine all along. He's never been my Bradford Bad Boy in the first place and he never will. Maybe it was just a figment of my imagination or maybe it's just a crazy thought that he could actually fall for someone like me. He simply cannot. He's proved that twice, I didn't need a third one.

At the end, no one really knows and cares, so it's best to be alone. That's exactly what I'm doing now. I may be a coward, but at least I'm a strong coward for being alone instead of leaning on others who really doesn't give a shit about me. 

So you're probably wondering why my story is ending like this, well best remember that not all stories have happy endings.

Goodbye Bradford.

THE END (Click next chapter please)

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