2: Being a Directioner

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From that time on, Eliz and I became fans not just of Zayn Malik but of One Direction too.

You think high school is hard? Try being a Directioner.

Other Directioners tells us that we aren't really Directioners because we weren't there from the beginning but there opinion is irrelevant. I may not be there from the beginning but I'm sure Eliz and I will be there till the end. 

Anyways, we spent hours in the Internet, watching their video diaries and interviews 6812998321 times. We also check their twitters 24/7 or should I say stalk them?

"Well that definitely explain a lot, right Sadie?" asked Eliz. We were watching one of our all time favorite video of One Direction.

"Huh?" I asked her confused.

"About him not going to school anymore," she explained with a duh voice.

"I didn't know he can sing, did you?" she continued.

"No," I answered silently adding, "He doesn't even talk to me." 

"What?" Eliz asked curiously.

"I said 'No, who knows the Bradford Bad Boy can sing.'"

"Well I don't care I love them till death especially Harry. Oh My God Harry I love you!"she said going to la la land aka dream land.

Snapping out of her reverie she suggest "And maybe we can go double date you and Zayn and me and Harry."

"Are you kidding?" I asked her.

Continuing, "I hope so cause Eliz I hate to break this to you but I'm not totally into him anymore."

"Okay sorry! I thought.." she started.

"Don't even finish that thought!" I interrupted pressing the play button of another video. In other words, end of conversation.

The awkward silent was..awkward.

"I'm sorry I snapped, you know how hard it is to talk about him and how sensitive I am," I apologised.

"It's okay," Eliz said smiling as we continued watching the videos.

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