Tia Dalma.

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Jack, Will, Gibbs, Pintel, and Ragetti, and Cotton all climbed into the longboat of the Black Pearl, the rest of the crew casting us off. I bit my lip apprehensively.

"nervous, are you, Flame?" I nodded.

"A wee bit. I've heard stories about her that would curdle the blood of Barbosa." jack whimpered slightly as the boat hit the swampy bank.

"don't worry, everyone! Tia Dalma and I go way back! Thick as thrives we were! Nigh inseparable we are... Have been... Before..." he cleared his throat.

"I'll watch your back." he gulped at gibb's words.

"it's me front I'm worried about." cotton watched the boat as we all climbed up into Tia Dalma's home. Immediately, the smell of incense welcomed us, as well as the dozens of different (and very creepy) objects that were hung around the well lit room. a short cackle erupted from across from us, and I noted the presence of a dark skinned woman with thick dreadlocks and markings on her cheeks that seemed primal.

"Jack Sparrow!" she said, unsurprised and in a somewhat flirty way. Jack smiled back.

"Tia Dalma." she looked at I'm in a very flirty manner, her finger tracing over his chest in a way to make me want to rip it off of her body. I grit my teeth against the jealousy and forced myself still. She made her way to will.

"you have a touch of destiny about you, William turner." he looked at her in surprise.

"you know me?" she looked at him flirtatiously.

"want to know me?" she purred, before moving to me.

"ah, young miss Adams; The Black Flame. An unlucky woman you are, jealous, hot headed, and bloodthirsty as well." I smirked slightly.

"tell me something we don't know." muttered jack. Tia continued.

"if you've any luck at all, you will have revenge for the lives of your crew." I bowed my head.

"thank you. They were good women." she nodded.

"back on subject, Tia darling. We need help, and we aren't leaving without it. I thought I knew you."

"not as much as I'd hoped. Come!" she said, and jack, being his cheeky self, wound an arm around my waist as we followed her. As soon as everyone else was inside the room, I pinned him to the doorframe with my knife.

"what did I say about the god damned physical contact?" I hissed, well aware that everyone was staring at us. He held his hands up in surrender.

"sorry, darling. Now, can you please unpin me from the wall?" I yanked the blade out holding it to his throat.

"remember, captain, I may be your first mate, but I will not hesitate to kill you." I pulled the blade away from his throat and shoved it back into its sheath in my belt, afterwords clearing my throat.

"let's continue then."

"ahem, anyway, I demand payment." jack grabbed the cage of the monkey I'd caught earlier. Jack quickly shot the monkey, which hopped right back up.

"there, an undead monkey! Top that!" Tia took the cage and carefully opened the hatch, and Barbosa's monkey ran out of it. I groaned.

"you have no idea about how long it took to catch that." especially since I'd done it single handedly.

"the price is fair." she said, and jack slapped a piece of cloth down on the table.

"we're looking for this." her gaze flicked upward. "and what it opens." she grinned at him maliciously.

The Black Flame *Sequal to Fire in Her Blood**Finished*Where stories live. Discover now