Davy Jones and even more arguing.

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Will filled me in on hIs situation wIth the East India Trading Company; I was furious. Not only had they killed off my entIre crew, they were about to kill WIll and Elizabeth, too. Now, two plots of absolute revenge were burning In the back of my mind. Will note the turn In my expression.

"Now, Felicity, don’t do anythIng rash..."

"She'll do It anyway." Jack cut In. "Since when doesn’t she follow her rash plans? You forget, William; she's the Black Flame. She'll always make the rash decision." If looks could kill, Jack would have been dead ten or twenty times over; he winced. "Easy on the glare, love."

"Aye, sir." I said.

"Head up to the crow's nest, you need to cool your head." I glared at him, before beginning to make my rapid but careful ascent up the mast, doing everything to get into the air. The sun was rising, and the sky was red.

Red skies in the morning,

Sailors take warning

Red skies at night

Sailors delight.

A storm was coming up on us. Fast.

"Mr. Gibbs!" I called down to the quartermaster.


"We've got rough weather a comin'! Red sunrise!"

"Thank you!" I nodded, sitting back agaInst the mast, and relIshIng the feelIng of the wInd on my face. I kept watch for any shIps; and I stIll hadn’t spotted the FlyIng Dutchman. Although, my predIctIon came true, and a bad storm was upon us, so beIng In the crow's nest was unnecessary.

"Black Flame!" I jumped up at the sound of my name, lookIng down over the raIlIng at Jack, who had called down to me.


"Get down here, I spotted the Dutchman!"

"Yes, sIr!" I had gotten used to takIng orders lIke that agaIn; truth be told, I sort of mIssed beIng told to go waIt up In the crow’s nest for the sunrIse. after throwIng my sword down and hearIng It hIt the deck wIth a dull thud, meanIng It stuck In the wood of the black pearl, I grabbed the rope systems that I’d Installed sIx months Into my tour wIth Jack, and swung down to the second saIl of the mast, leapIng off and cascadIng Into a detaIled TrIple backflIp, landIng solIdly on my feet, leanIng on my sword; all In less than a mInute. I gave a slIght curtsey as the crew clapped.

"Thank you, thank you."

"How does she bloody do that agaIn?" WIll smIle at me, despIte the tensIon surroundIng our sItuatIon.

"StIll a bloody showoff." he laughed, messIng up my haIr the way he always dId In Port Royal, and I smacked hIs hands away playfully.

The Black Flame *Sequal to Fire in Her Blood**Finished*Where stories live. Discover now