CHAPTER TWO: the lying, the snitch and the wardrobe

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"what happened with Miss Dodds and you?" I asked percy his face going pale from the memory of it "nothing" percy said i could tell he was lying his poker face hadn't yet developed yet i could tell if i dug deeper he would get mad "alright we're about to leave can i get your number maybe?" I asked with a face that let him know it wasn't asking to go on a date "yeah sure" he gave Me his phone that was hella cracked and I typed in the numbers to a new contact right as they called us to get on the bus "okay I'll call you later percy" i found nora and this time me and her sat together instead of ted on the class ride back "do you remember Mr White?" I asked nora but she didn't seem to know who i was talking about "our principal Mr White" i asked once more "Lily, our principal's name is Mr Fogg" nora responded with a concerned tone "what, no our principal is Mr White" i said insisting that i know who i was talking about "he's tall really pale and skinny" i said, Nora didn't seem to believe me "no mr fogg is a chubby blind man, lily you should see a doctor he's been our principal for years now" i gave up I wasn't gonna convince them this must have been what happened with Percy but what was it, i continued to talk to other people to see if they know who i was talking about throughout the year

Weird things like this has happened to me before but it only lasted like 40 seconds before it was over but this lasted the whole year

I would try to make Mr White references throughout the year to random people to try and trick them into remembering him but they would just look at me like i was crazy, i kept seeing storms wherever i went with Percy but otherwise i would be mostly fine, no one but coach hedge would look at me like i was sane the entire year and suddenly after ted called me a schizophrenic i punched him in the face and got sent to the deans office he was a short fat black man who wore those sunglasses made specifically for blind people "miss Lilith I regret to inform you that you are going to have to be suspended, indefinitely.. you're can finish your day here but you can't come back until we deem that you're not a threat to the school anymore" the dean said with a kind tone clearly not wanting to do this but he has no choice "you've been a great student if it were up to me I wouldn't do this" he would continue with the same face "i understand" i responded

At the end of the day i went home I didn't get to come back the whole year and on the last day i got a letter in the mail from the school "parents or guardian of Lilith Zolomon Jekyll we, regretfully inform you that lily will not be permitted to come back to the school next term have a wonderful day"

I got a call from coach hedge the next day "is this miss Zolomon?" the coach would yell into the phone

I was hesitant to reply "yes this is Lily"

The coach would have his face way to close to the phone and reply "listen tell your grandma i said, 'its time"

I looked confused and replied "time for what, you couldn't be less cryptic"

"Just do it." Coach hung up

A word about my mother before you meet her mom
Her name is Venus Zolomon she's a pretty good mother but she's stubborn and makes bad choices somehow she has the worst luck in the world her dad died when she was 13 and she's dead grandma said she lived at a friend's place most of her life and she had me at 16 then died at 18 her mother is the kindest woman in the world and loves to make sweets specifically pumpkin cookies

I rushed into the living room where grandma was and screamed "COACH HEDGE TOLD ME TO TELL YOU ITS TIME" grandma looked at me finished her crochet elephant and made a face like she had sensed it "i figured as such" her very strong perfume had smelled a little less potent for a while "they never make it past twelfth grade, coach hedge told me that when your mother died and i accepted full custody, i was really hoping he was wrong" she said looking sad "what else did he say" i frantically asked trying to get more information "all he did was give me an address 3.141 Farm Road, Montauk. Long island, coach hedge should be outside the building you should go with him if you want more information" she said slowly "make sure to visit me" she handed me a baggy with pastries, money and a bracelet "one more thing, the bracelet from Manhattan is yours" she ushered me out

When i got down the stairs coach hedge was waiting for me

"Do you smell that?, it's danger. Get in the car" coach hedge said seriously

And so i did "whats going on where are we going"

"Shut up" he said trying to focus on driving

After about a half an hour of pure torture being alone with coach hedge who was silent the whole time i turned around looking through the reer window and seeing something chasing after the car

"Coach, somethings after us" i would say with audible fear

"What does it look like" coach hedge said while driving the car looking solely ahead as if purely focused on the destination

I looked again "It looks like a giant snake... Much bigger than the car." I said with such fear in my voice

"Python.. Zeus must really wants you dead kid.." he said with great remorse in his voice as if i were already dead

"What are we going to do" i said with a flicker of blue light in my eyes he didn't see this it was now raining hard you could hear it pound on the roof it was so dark outside you could barely tell it was only 7 at night

"All we can do.. keep driving coach.." I said hopeful coach pressed his leg against the peddle harder and the car sped up

"What should i do" my eyes started glowing dimly with energy it would brighten up the car a little bit lightning would start to strike randomly throughout the countryside we were driving down

"Nothing, by the looks of this storm Zeus has already sealed your fate, I'm sorry kid see you in Elysium.. or not" coach hedge said knowing he couldn't go to Hades ever but still trying to comfort me

My eyes suddenly glew with such intensity that the coach was blinded and the car crashed the car however burst apart and i emerged from it a bolt of lightning emerged from the sky but not to kill me, i caught the lightning bolt, did a flip then threw it at Python it grazed his scales and slightly cut him i landed with a sword in my hand and the bag of goodies open with the bracelet missing the snacks perfectly okay.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT" my voice boomed throughout the lands eyes still glowing with pure red energy

Python did not respond just leaped at me mouth opened wide trying to eat me but i punched it in the face knocking it off course into a tree

"HA YOU'RE SO WEAK, YOU REALLY DIED IN ONE PUNCH" he was in fact not dead and decided to try again flinging itself into me sending me flying back but i caught myself in mid air with wind pushing off of it like one would a wall in a swimming pool to gain more speed i would fly at it and guide my sword elegantly towards its thick skin it pierced only slightly through his skin and i landed on my feet punching it again tossing it across the field with one punch

"COME AT ME BRO" it did and its face rammed into me but my heels digged into the ground and i caught it and summoned lightning into my swords "sssssssstop" the snake said enraged and fighting me he leaped forward once more, me glowing with electricity glimmering in the light it rammed at me and it seemed to overcome me but i split it in half with lightning as it flew at me in the end it was two halves of one snake on the floor "see told you, you were weak" I said with a new found confidence that didn't last long i would then begin to fall and hit the floor my consciousness started fading the last thing i could see is coach hedge pulling a wardrobe over to me

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