CHAPTER FIVE: I make enemies with a sixth grader

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"not that I know of?" The boy sounded unsure like he'd known a lot of people and wasn't sure if he'd known a man named Leo

"His last name is Valdez" I said adding more information still frantically fiddling with my bracelet which had formed buttons on its self like a fidget toy

"Hmm Leo Valdez" he thought for a second "nope doesn't ring a bell I'm afraid sorry dear" even though he was 19 he seemed to talk like he was much older than me

Luke tapped my shoulder reminding me he was there "maybe we should steal from the Ares cabin instead" he would suggest clearly seeing a friendship between me and the Hephaestus kid form

"Yes please I hate those guys" clearly I hadn't liked them, their appearances gave off bully vibes

Luke would grab my hand and lead me to the Ares cabin area where I would glare out the cabin, even the cabin looked like a bully made it a sign that looked like ancient Greek letters was there again when I squinted at it the letters warped into English that read 'minefield keep out' as if trying to scare me away

"Don't worry they're not hard to avoid" Luke would say then take a careful step like he was trying to avoid mines

I however would take a step forward without caution stepping directly onto a mine which wouldn't explode unless I took my foot off it "SON OF ZEUS" i exclaimed in anguish as i carefully stood on the mine

"Holy Hestia" Luke would exclaim worrying about me but my foot would slip and the mine would blow up on my leg not even bruising it Luke would stare at me in horror and jealousy

I was speechless expecting to be dead but death never came I would just stare at Luke my bracelet stained with black powder

"Well that just happened" Luke would say in shock not shock that it happened but shock that it didn't kill me

I run through the mine field feeling invincible and knocked down the ares cabin door seeing weapons everywhere not even in cases just laying on the floor everywhere luckily there was no ares kids inside they were all out training, I snuck through the cabin to the most feminine looking room in the house trying to find armor that would fit a girl like me, I entered the room unknowingly picking a colossal fight that would last two years between me and one of the strongest but worst person in camp

Luke followed inside the cabin "don't go in there" he warned but it was too late I was already in clarisse's room and it was very organized, though she had a diary left open on her work bench that I wasted no time reading since I'm very nosey it read 'Today silena spoke to me I've never felt like this before what is this feeling, it's like I want to punch her in the face with my face.. but gently Everytime I see her my face goes red and i get the jitters, what's wrong with me' her handwriting was crappy but it was cute on the next page she had drawn a arrow subconsciously I thought 'cupid?' I flipped the page to a more recent entry it read 'there is this new kid, they say he killed the Minotaur I don't believe them I'm going to make him wish he never lied about it' the handwriting was the same as before I decided to stop being so snoopy

"Luke I found some armor" I grabbed a set of armor from clarisse's room which was a size too big for me but looked good on me I walked out of the room

"Hurry up they're coming back" Luke said as we snuck back outside of the cabin we ran back to the Hermes cabin together luke seeming surprised that I kept up, while I ran time seemed to slow a little but I obviously wasn't running fast enough to have that effect was I?

A horse chased after us away from its caretaker and came up to me neighing what seemed to be 'got any sugar cubes' all though it looked crazy to others I responded with "no I'm sorry" and the horse walked off disinterested in me

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