CHAPTER SIX: Woah She's Kinda Hot

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The orange tint of the sky looking unnatural which I guess wouldn't be unusual in camp halfblood, the world basically froze for a moment like a video trying to buffer as I ran to the capture point for the king the hill game joining up with luke and Percy who were fighting for their lives just a few seconds ago but now frozen in place, Luke was entirely off the ground but he didn't fall, I saw a spear about to pierce percy through the chest and moved it out of the way planting it into the ground, the motion of everything slowly began to resume again Luke colliding with a new ares cabin kid bloodying their nose everyone but me was currently out of the capture point meaning that me, luke and annabeth's team was winning now percy looked at the spear that had suddenly to him planted itself in the ground in utter terror but thankful he didn't die, my bracelets formed into a huge pole that I kept people at bay with as I racked up points for staying in the capture point.

Suddenly a chariot full of six Apollo kids came flying at me I destroyed the chariot with the pole which shapeshifted into bracelets and then a sword in my right hand and a shield in my left I tried to fight them all off one of them shooting me with eight arrows but i did not back down i charged at them with the shield knocking them over then cutting their achilles tendon they screamed out in pain and i chained them down to the ground five more apollo campers littered me with arrows and I collapsed to the ground starting to bleed out as the fight stopped Chiron trotted up to me

"Oh dear.. today's game is cancelled." he glares at the Apollo campers, "need I remind you that to kill your fellow campers is strictly forbidden." he picked me up and trotted away to the infirmary my golden blood covering the battle field and chiron when we got to the infirmary he played me onto the hospital bed trying his best to avoid laying me on one of the arrows I couldn't do anything but cry my body couldn't move at all "it's okay Ms Jekyll you're going to be alright.. just get some rest" Chiron talked in a very soothing voice but I could tell he had no idea if I would be alright at all he was just trying to keep me calm

I would fall asleep the second my head touched the pillow, suddenly when my head hit the pillow I was rapidly transported at light speeds through multiple different "scenes" one, Percy was a adult man eating a blue cookie, one was Percy's first birthday and one was his death that one was particularly chilling, I felt like I was on a really bad acid trip, suddenly I ended up on a boat, with a very distressed looking man wearing a ring that has the exact same patterns as the bracelets that I had on before I fell asleep, I ran at him "Hey those are mine!" I flew straight through him falling over he did not hear me at all. The man appeared to be weeping he looked fairly young with very old eyes, he was definitely a warrior you could tell by all the bruises, and cuts he had. he had slightly tanned skin and looked like he was distantly related to Luke Castellan like Luke may have been his grandfather but the clothes this man was wearing were from the distant past so clearly he wasn't literally Luke's grandson despite weeping this man held a commanding presence he had a slightly hairy chin, his clothing looked royal but unkempt. "Penelope..." The man said fiddling with his ring in a longing tone

"Are you okay sir." I said in a very kind tone but my voice seemed to echo twice before dissipating I thought he heard me cause he looked directly at me "yes brother?" He said in my direction but he said it through me like he wasn't talking to me, I turned around and saw through the empty door frame a tall battle hardened dark skinned warrior in the same kind of clothing as the other man was he looked very attractive, I blushed deeply when I saw him or I would've if I could

The man spoke in ancient Greek somehow I could understand it "captain we found land, shall we come o'shore" the man's voice only made him more attractive I felt the same way I felt whenever my crush had spoken, his voice shook my every being "hey there handsome" I said as i started to walk towards this man and put my hand out to shake his but he walked through me I was discouraged heavily, the man with the ring thought for a moment both of the men ignoring me completely "Eurylochus I trust your judgement, but to answer your question brother yes that would be great.. let's hope they inhabitants area little more welcoming then our last host" he fiddled with his ring again "do you also feel like something is watching us.." he asked the attractive man who wasted no time in replying "no, I don't.. but the gods are always watching us correct?"

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