lost spirits

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Sal'a POV

I walked up to y/n she was getting off the phone "hey you ready (yah and nervous) "yah there's a lot of people out there but i bet well do great" (yah i guess your right). ITs time guys Larry said walking buy and tossing me a head set. i have to wear one bc my mask if i sang with a regular mice it would be muffled. i walked on to the stage with y/n right behind me , i picked up my base and looked around there where so many people it was crazy.

y/n POV

i was on stage and seen Travis in the crowed with Phillip there where holding hands? where they together hmm u should ask him later. we began to play sal started "i kissed the scars on her skin still think your beautiful never wanna lose my best friend" wow this is really happening i stared to come in and harmonies with him. when we where done i got a call from my mom her voice was raspy "y/n Olivia she uh she's gone" ( what wit mom was just on the phone before the show) "well uh she committed suicided, her dad called me from the hospital he said she didn't make it" (no why i got to go mom ill be home tomorrow) "ok be sa-"

i collapsed on to the floor and sob so hard why why didn't i just take the time and talk to her uh its my fault I'm terrible.

Sal's POV

i seen Y/N crying in the corner i ran up to her and hug her asking if she was alright and what happen. (she she's gone) that all she got out. "its ok shhhh im here, wanna get going most of the stuffs packed up". (yah can i go to your place ?) "ofc"

afer that night y/n went home she hadn't really left her house not even for school just for the funeral and she could barley hold back her tears. i dont like seeing her like this i love her to much to see her sad

y/n pov

im so lost she was the only person who knew everything about my life. she was my bestfriend ive known here since 1st grade ,my other half. i wish she would of told me what was wrong. she was never like that tell after we moved . god i feel like this is on me i needed to be there for her. i know she wouldnt want me to be like this she'd want me to keep going.

i crawled out of bed and checked the time 9:00am wow still a lil early. i pick out some sweats and a cute lil peep t-shirt. i walked to the bathroom and showered, when done i fixed my hair grabbed my phone then went down to larrys. i knocked on the door and lisa opened it. " hi y/n sweety come in its been a while" i gave her a hug then walked into larrys room him and sal looked at me with suprise. sal jumped up and gave me a huge hug "i missed you" (im sorry jus needed my time but now im back, thanks you two for bringing my homework) "no problem its what we could do" larry said giving me a hug.

me and sal decide to go up to his place after hanging out there for a while. we put on a movie and layed in his bed. i thought to myself dam school tm monday well i guess itll be good to be back.

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