jelly bean

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i  woke up sal next to me light shining through the window. i get to check out today, ive been here for 5 days and miss my home. my mom and the others dont know about the pregnecy yet. i want to lay low with it for a min tell things settle down. "hi my love" sal said looking at me his eyes slowly opening.

the nurse walked in "heres the paper work to leave". i tuned over to grabb the clip bored. "thank you" she walked out. sal rapped his arms around me kissing  my neck, and just cuddling. "so you get the car i get my things ready" he jumped up excited. "yes and we can go get you some real food". i nodd as i got got up to grabb my bag. "hey honey imma undo your drip and vitals one more time". i look up at her "oh ok thats cool" she grabbs the clip bored and went over the papers. "um did you want the ultrasound apointments set up?" my face kinda shocked my eyes shot up. "umm sure" she noods, undose my drips. check my vitals and was out,

i got my things and sal helped me to the car, i breath in the car smell. i missed my beamer leather seats sun roof, and CD's oh my music. "hey where you wanna eat the others will meet us there". i though for a sec, how about that reastraunt with the fancy tables and light. "wow expecive" i nodd and laugh "ive been eating hospital food for almost 6 days i cant help it". he smiled and put his hand on my leg giving me a kiss. "anything for my love" he text the others and we where off.

i loved the air and the wind flowing throught the windows. cool air but warm at the same time from the light. the things you cant feel in a hospital, sal doesnt like them bc of when he was younger. but it delt with it to be there for me. we got to the parking lot ash and larry where already there. i got out the car and larry hugged me so tight. hey there sis hows the freedom. "its amazing i missed fresh air and the feeling of the sun". he nodds  his head "moms will be here in a lil i let them know we where gonna have dinner".

we all sat down the nice lighting, amazing food being cooked. i was enjoying my time tell a lady walked bye with strong perfume, made me sick. i got up excusing myself, sal followed. i walked to the restroom trying not to throw up but did anyways. he held my hair back. "what was that are you ok" i nodd "lady had a funky smell i couldnt stumic it". he  rubbed my back "its ok you ready to go back". i look at him as he helps me up, "love you". we walk out and back to the table

where did you go to in such a hurry, "oh um"..."got a lil wozzy probly from being a lil dehydrated". my mom shot my a raised eye brow and larry was snickering in his corner. "so honey how are since you got out" i wanted to roll my eyes but i loved her and how she cared so much. "better still slugish as you could tell" she nodded and ate her food.

we all had a good time, we finished up dinner and wwnt home. i brought my things to are room and plopped on the bed gizmo hoping up on me "meow" ..."oh i missed you too" sal walked in and kicked his shoes off and pulled off his shirt. he looked over at me "love you wanna take a real shower" i bounce up. "oh yes plz that sounds amazing" i walk to the shower and turn it on

(big ass fancy shower)

i loves the feeling of the water running over me, it wasnt the same at the hospital

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i loves the feeling of the water running over me, it wasnt the same at the hospital. sal rapped his arms around me nuzzling his face into my neck. giving me kisses, him he made me feel safe. "so" i turn my head a lil to leason, "yah". he take a sec "whats are plann with are lil jelly bean growing", i kinda pushed the thought back early but i want to talk about it. "i want them, there part of us even if it wasnt planned". he nodds and kisses me, i look at his blue eyes "im gonna be happy with what ever we have"

sorry ik its short but ily all me grimlens<3

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