5 - Broken Hearts

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"Jooheon?" Kihyun is kneeling over the collapsed man. He had another flashback.

"I'm sorry." Jooheon sits up, his rib cage aching. Kihyun frowns.

"Don't apologize, you can't control it. Are you okay?" Jooheon nods, rubbing his chest. He closes his eyes, remembering the crash well.

"Wanna...tell me about it?" Kihyun asks, sitting down next to Jooheon. He pulls the older's head into his shoulder, resting his head on the other's.

"My ex girlfriend left me a child, and I didn't have the money to take care of him. I was driving him to my mother's house when I...I crashed." Kihyun's eyes widen.

"Ribs broke, and I went straight through the windshield. The child was alright, and so was the person I clipped. But I...I died on the pavement." Jooheon chokes out. Kihyun hugs him close.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." The pinkette whispers. Hyungwon locks eyes with Minhyuk above in the rafters.

"That's devastating." Minhyuk whispers. Hyungwon nods slightly.

"I think I may have misjudged Jooheon." Hyungwon murmurs.




"Your first mission. Jooheon, Wonho, step forward." A fit man wearing a fishnet woven shirt and black jeans steps forwards, creamy white hair shifting slightly.

"You two will practice together. I want Jooheon to understand how to take his opponent out quickly and preferably quiet." Wonho nods, looking Jooheon over.

"And another thing-This is practice for your upcoming mission. We are to kill everyone and extract our information." Hyunwoo commands.


Wonho takes Jooheon's arm in his large hand, practically dragging the younger behind him. Jooheon makes a 'WOAH' noise, trying to keep up with the older.

Wonho brings him into a room, shutting the door behind them and pinning Jooheon to the wall. Jooheon looks at him, and really gets a nice look at the older man.

Soft, rabbit-like features but an incredibly built body, dark, lust lidded eyes, plump lips with a smirk tugging them, and fluffy blonde hair.



"Tell me something, Jooheon. Have you ever stolen something?"

"I was a convenience worker, I was usually the person tattling on theives." Jooheon mutters. Wonho arches a brow, his smirk growing by the second.

"Oh? Question two. Have you ever killed someone?" Jooheon swallows hard.

"Not directly. I hired someone to kill my ex, but I didn't kill her myself." Jooheon admits. Wonho giggles.

"Last question." Wonho leans in, his warm breath tickling Jooheon's neck.

"Have you ever fucked a man?" Wonho whispers.

"I've b-been fucked, but never f-fucked them d-directly." Jooheon stammers. Wonho has his body in a lock. Heart pounding, sinful arousal, the older's body pressing his to the wall, it was all too much.

"Wonho-" Jooheon manages. Wonho looks into his eyes, clearly knowing what he's doing.

"Yes, Joohoney?" Jooheon snaps to. He grabs Wonho's wrist, shoving him away and watching the older fall on his backside.

"Only Hyunwoo can call me that." Jooheon growls. He raises his clenched fist, glaring at the older rabbit.

"And another thing. Don't ever touch me." Jooheon's gaze falls on the growing bruise on Wonho's arm from when Jooheon grabbed his wrist. Tears are welling up in his cute eyes, and Jooheon finally calms.

"I'm so sorry, Wonho, I didn't mean to hurt you." Jooheon panics, kneeling down next to the older. Wonho gets up and runs away, leaving a confused and hurt Jooheon.




"Wonho? It's Jooheon." Jooheon knocks on the older's door briskly, hoping the rabbit would let him in.

"Come in." Wonho's soft voice calls. Jooheon enters the room, shutting the door behind him and walking over to where Wonho was laying.

Wonho changed into a light yellow jacket and white shorts, bunny socks on his feet. He turns to look at Jooheon, and the younger notices a stuffed animal in his hands.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry about earlier. I get bursts of adrenaline from my previous life and I can't control myself when I get them..." Jooheon traces circles around the bruise, which is starting to soothe.

"It's okay. They gave me a report on you, and I should have known." Jooheon stills at this.

"Report?" Wonho nods, pulling Jooheon into the bed, wrapping his arms around the younger's back.

"Every person brought here is given a report. It's a list of things about them, and yours is at least seven pages." Wonho says, laughing softly. Jooheon isn't laughing.

"Does that mean everyone here knows about my second chance?" Jooheon asks, a little agitated. Wonho thinks for a moment.

"Well, I think only MONSTA knows about your second chance." Jooheon gives the rabbit a confused look.

"It's the name of the closest group within the walls. It consists of me, Kihyun, Hyungwon, Minhyuk, Changkyun and Hyunwoo. You're slated to join if you can pull this mission off."

"Wow. You guys are so fancy, huh?" Jooheon jokes. Wonho cracks a smile, seeing the dimples of the younger.

"You could say that."




Kai is sifting through medical reports and files when he hears a knock on his office door.

"Enter." He says absent mindedly. He hears ankle boots click against the linoleum and then tush on the carpet.

"Jongin Kai." A menacing voice calls. Kai continues his search.

"That's me." He mutters. He's so close. Lee Jooheon, Lee Jooheon, Lee Jooheon...

"A-ha!" Kai pulls a thin file from a rather large stack of blood stained folders, excited from his catch.

"I won't ask again. Are you Jongin Kai?" The voice asks. Kai rolls his eyes, turning around.

"Oh, dear. Yes, I'm Kai. Apologies for the abrasiveness, Hyunwook."

"It's quite alright. I'm here with a warning." Hyunwook steps into the light. His shiny black hair is pulled back from his face by a bandana, his fashionably clothes loosely fitting his long torso. He has chains adorned along his body, and he looks like a model without even trying.

Kai is one of those people that doesn't fall easily, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't find Hyunwook attractive.

"Oh? Please, enlighten me." Kai bows politely. Hyunwook pins Kai to the wall, a serious look on his face. His skin is crawling with goosebumps.

"MONSTA is in danger. They know you're coming. And they know you have an alter. If they capture Jooheon, they'll kill him. After torturing him relentlessly." Hyunwook's lower lip trembles, and he genuinely looks terrified. Kai doesn't understand.

"How do they know? Please, can you tell me more?" Kai begs. Hyunwook nods.

"They purposely set Hyunwoo up. The body, the cut camera footage, they left it. They're reeling District 9 in little by little." Kai's eyes widen as he realizes it.

Breathing ashes and dust. It's them. The traitors. Them.

"It's them." Kai shudders. Hyunwook nods.

"We have to warn Hyunwoo." Hyunwook turns to the door, where a small school girl is standing.

"Oh, Hyunnie. Don't do that! That'd be so...poopy!" The girl bounces her curls, smirking.

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