Part 17

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The night was peaceful, and the morning came in seemingly no time at all. Through the thin curtain across the room, pale sunlight danced across the carpeted floors and stretched to the bed, showering the room in fresh, warm light. Birds from outside were heard as they sang and fluttered about to their nests, bringing food for their young ones. Like every morning, it was calm and tranquil. Mornings were often like this. A brand new day full of unknowns. As welcoming as it was, there was one soul who was not a morning person, and I'm sure you could guess who that one soul was.

The sunlight filtering in through the curtain splashed across Vegeta's face, making him grunt and roll over. Not being as easily awoken as Goku, he opted to stay in bed as long as possible. The only reason he woke up at all when Goku spent the night at his house was because of food. He enjoyed sleep far more than one would think. Under the covers of the blanket, he was comfortable and content to stay exactly where he was. He was in that state where you were half asleep and half awake. That state where you were barely conscious of where you were, but were too comfortable to actually get up.

He let out a soft sigh, his eyes closed gently. He had slept through the night peacefully without waking up or rolling off the bed, which was a perfectly real thing that could happen. Despite the premature advancement of their growing relationship, the two had managed to actually pull off the impossible: sleeping together. Now, the term "sleeping together" could have two meanings that everyone is aware of. One could literally mean the action of sleeping, and the other could mean something entirely different and quite active, might I add. They merely slept, but I felt I should explain myself to avoid any confusion.

Marty slept at the foot of the bed, his body curled around himself. He snored louder than a human, his ears twitching with every inhale. Vegeta lay above him, sound asleep without a care in the world, his hands holding the top of the blanket gently.

Then there was Goku. His body was half falling off the bed, his mouth was wide open, and his hair was ratted far beyond recognition. One leg was draped over the edge of the bed, and the other was resting on top of Marty, who couldn't care less. The differences in the sleeping styles was a great show of their personalities. One was completely covered in the blanket in the most innocent position ever, and the other was more along the lines of a weirdo who was sleeping for the first time in their life.

Outside, the sound of a squeaking squirrel caught Marty's attention. His head jerked up and his ears shot straight into the air. In a matter of seconds, he shot from the bed, taking Goku down with him as he darted to the window, pouncing on the glass only to ram head-first into it. Goku tumbled to the floor with a squeak, then lay still for a second to gather his senses enough to comprehend what had just happened. His vision still groggy from sleep, he slowly got to his knees, leaning against the bed to look around, one eye open and the other slowly getting there. Marty was whimpering and pacing back and forth in front of the window, his tail wagging full force. Goku rubbed his eyes, then looked over at Vegeta. He was breathing lightly and adorably, his hair still immaculately neat despite the sleep, and hadn't awoken from Marty's barking and whining. And Goku's fall.

"At least he's still asleep." Goku said with a yawn. He ran a hand through his hair, then stood. Usually, Goku slept in until Marty got hungry and woke him up, rather aggressively, might I add.

Goku stretched, then looked back down at Vegeta. He debated laying back down beside him, but he was already awake no thanks to Marty and wouldn't fall back asleep anytime soon. But just looking at Vegeta's calm and peaceful face was enough to make him smile. He wasn't angry, he was relaxed. He wondered what he could be dreaming about. Possibly becoming the strongest. Or eating. Or...maybe he was dreaming of Goku. Who could tell? While Goku eagerly wanted to stare at Vegeta all day, his mind called to him to do other, less important things. Like shower and eat and stuff like that.

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