Part 33

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"Alright now!" Vegito shouted, flexing his fingers and stretching his arms across his chest. The earrings, dangling elegantly from his ears, glinted in the arena lights like a dazzling spectacle. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?"

"Already busting out Vegito? They must be desperate." 17 muttered, though he couldn't deny being surprised by the amount of power radiating from the fusion. Having never seen the two fused before, it was quite a sight to behold. It resembled both of the fighters, but at the same time it looked nothing like them. The muscles, the Gi, the earrings, the hair. They looked like an intimidating force to reckon with.

Beerus cocked his head to the side, flicking his tail upward. "Fusing? Can't say I'm surprised. They've been real chummy lately, so the two fusing doesn't shock me."

Whis opened his mouth to say something, but opted against it. It was better if Lord Beerus didn't find out about the two of them until after the Tournament. A raging God was of no place in this Tournament. So he sat with his mouth shut, a knowing grin on his face.

Vegito reached up and plucked the flag from the wire, holding it tightly in his gloved fist. "You want the flag? Come and get it!"

And they did just that. Completely forgetting about fighting the other opponents, every fighter practically zeroed in on Vegito with nothing in the way of mercy. Caulifla pushed away from Tien and charged the fused fighter, but was easily knocked away as if she weighed nothing more than a fly. Even Dyspo was no match, for all it took to knock him back was a perfectly executed Spirit Sword attack, which sent him flying across the arena. The attacks from the fighters were well-timed and backed by their pent-up energy, but the combined power of Goku and Vegeta, magnified by the Supreme Kai Potara earrings, was far greater than the strength of the individual fighters. Vegito, full of excitement, ducked and dodged blows like he had been doing it all his life. As relentless as the experienced fighters were, Vegito took them all out as if they were nothing. It was quite embarrassing, actually.

Until Jiren caught up with Vegito's movements. Vegito was noted for his immense speed and power even in base form, so Jiren had refrained from attacking. He stood on the sidelines with his arms crossed, his dark eyes grazing up and down Vegito's body, measuring his energy output and the amount of time he spent dealing with each opponent. He was quick and calculated, focusing on several opponents in a single moment. The placement of his super attacks and the steady manner in which he displayed them showed pure experience in battle. Singular, Goku and Vegeta were a relentless force, but putting them together in one body seemed purely silly, in Jiren's opinion. Adding power onto power was foolish, and one should fight with the power they were given, not multiply it in the form of a power-up fusion. Vegito barely stayed in one place for longer than a few seconds before bouncing to a new location. Jiren couldn't figure out why he remained in motion, until his eyes found the flag tucked tightly in the waistband of the Gi Vegito wore, and Jiren noted that as an obvious weakness. Vegito couldn't keep an eye on the fighters and the flag at the same time, hence his constant movement. By bouncing around the arena without stopping, it prohibited other fighters from snatching it away.

Now, Jiren smiled, as a plan formed in his head.

Vegito snickered as he kicked Dyspo away, flipping backwards and landing gracefully on his feet. "Jeez, you guys just aren't trying hard enough." He pulled the flag from his Gi and passed it onto 18, who slipped it into the pocket of her jeans silently. "If it'll make it easier for you, I'll stand still, how 'bout that? Since you just can't hit a moving target."

Toppo seemed to take this insult personally and charged the fusion, landing a powerful punch straight to Vegito's stomach. Vegito took the blow without making a sound or even attempting to move out of the way. Then, in a quick motion that Toppo could barely see, Vegito grabbed Toppo's arm and flung him over his shoulder, then charged up five small yellow orbs of energy on the tips of his fingers.

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