Chapter 16

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"Axel?" I flinched as I heard Amina's voice in the room.
"Hey. Yeah what's up? Something wrong?" I asked her and checked the time. It was almost four in the morning.
"No. I just can't really sleep. I'm waking up every couple minutes." She explained and came a bit closer.
"Okay. Uhm.- Do you want something to drink? Maybe a tea calms you down?" I asked her and she nodded.

We both entered the kitchen, and I turned the water boiler on.
"Why are you waking up all the time?" I asked her.
"I don't know. Okay actually, I do know. But it's okay." She smiled.
"Tell me."

"It's just.- I don't know. It's so weird to see you again, and then.- In this circumstances you know? And it was probably just a bit confusing, I'm wearing your clothes, everything smells like you in there, but you weren't there." She said quiet what made me smile.
"I have a solution for that okay?" I chuckled and got a cup.
"Why are you not sleeping?" Amina asked.
"You know my sleeping schedule. Three hours a day, one day in the week where I sleep 13. You know it." I told her.
"Still?" She asked. I nodded.
"Got worse actually, cause of the pain." I cleared my throat and poured the hot water into the cup.

"Alright. Bed?" I asked and she nodded. I took the cup with me and followed her.
"Here. watch out, take it on the handle. The cup is burning hot." I said as she laid down.
"Thanks." She smiled. I sat down next to her.
"Sorry for earlier." Amina started.
"For what?"
"Everything. the.- not leaving or just.- I don't know, kissing you." She explained.
"Don't worry okay? I was.- After you kissed me, I was confused but now in the past hours, where you tried to sleep, I thought that this might be the right way." I told her.

"I hope so." I added and smiled at her.
"But-. What's with Maya now?" She asked me.
"Well.- She dropped the key and left, so.- I don't know actually." I told her.
"She texted me earlier. At about two am." Amina said and took a sip of the tea.
"What did she say?"
"She said that she will never understand how she was tricked by you. She thought that you planned the meeting with me and you because you knew that me and Maya were friends." Amina told me.

"No I didn't know. If I knew, I wouldn't have agreed for her friends to come over." I smiled.
"I'm glad that you said yes." Amina said quiet.
"Me too."I told her.
"I actually cried so many times while listening to your music. Even the songs where you talk about bitches and sucking dicks and stuff. I cried to those." Amina told me what made me laugh.
"Oh god. What?" I laughed.
"Don't laugh. I mean that." She grinned while she grabbed my hand.
"You are something." I chuckled while I looked into the eyes that I have missed for so long. 

"Come on. You need to sleep at lease a bit." I cleared my throat and lifted up the blanket for her. 
"Okay." Amina yawned and laid down under the blanket.
"I hope my company helped an I really hope that you can s'get a bit of sleep." I told her.

"Can you just stay here? I mean. You can play on your phone here as well. No need to leave the room for that." Amina grinned.
"Alright." I sighed.
"Alright. Lift it up." I said and she did. I laid down next to her and needed to chuckle as she instantly cuddled up to me. 

"This feels so unreal." I whispered.
"It does. But.- It is-. Wait. Can you count your fingers?" Amina asked me. I looked at my hand and I counted them.
"One, two, three, four, five. Okay, but why?" I chuckled.

"I heard, that when you're dreaming, you can't count your fingers." Amina told me.
"Oh god. You're so.- My god." I sighed and placed a kiss on her head.
"You're what?" She asked me.
"Georgeus? Beautiful? Adorable? Cute? I don't know. Everything." I sighed.

"Alex?" Amina asked after a while.
"Can we like.- cuddle more?" She chcukled.
"As long as you want to." I told her.
"No.- I mean, closer?" She asked.
"Oh. Uhm, Yeah sure. You can come closer." I sighed and adjusted my arm around her. 

"Do you think it's going to be like this forever?" Amina asekd me.
"Like what?"
"I don't know. The circumstances. It's nerve wrecking." She almost whispered.
"I hope not. I mean.- I tink that it'll be okay someday. But, someday.-When is someday huh?" I asked her. I felt her nodding.
"But.- What it it is like before? What if it's becoming that toxic again, and we break up?" She asked.

"I try not to. I mean.- I know that it's alot on me what happened, okay? But I am trying. I'm trying." I sighed and dug my face into the crook of her neck. 
"Sorry." I whispered and closed my eyes.
"Don't be. It was on both of us." Amina told me. I nodded and took a deep breath. 

"Are you in pain right now?" She asked me.
"All the time." I said quiet.
"Do you need some pain killers?" 
"They don't kill anything. I.- That's why I'm drinking. Drinking away the pain. Physical and mental pain." I answered and she nodded.
"But it's okay. I't okay at the moment." I added.
"That's good." Amina said and turned around to face me.

"I really missed you." She told me with her hand on my cheek.
"Yeah. I missed you too." 
"No: I get it that's okay?" Amina asked with a smile as she referenced it to one of my songs.
"No." I chuckled and kissed her cheek. 
"Great. I'll take that." Amina smiled and moved one of my curls from my forehead.
"I think you shouldn't be insecure about you at all." Amina said quiet.
"But I am."
"I know. But.- You are perfect. Okay.- Not perfect. No one is. But-. Almost. Don't be insecure." She smiled.
"Telling me that, is like telling someone who's deaf to listen." I chuckled.
"Sorry. I know." Amina smiled and ran through my hair.

"Are you trying to sleep as well?" She asked.
"I hope so. I don't know. Probably. But there is so much in my head right now. I don't know if I can get it that empty, so that I can sleep." I told her.
"Just try. If it's not possible, try tomorrow during the day okay?" Amina wined at me, what made me smile.
"I will."
"Great. Good night then." She smiled.
"Good night. And thank you.- for, being here I guess." I answered.

"Now you got me glued to your buttcheek. Don't thank me. You're gonna hate me for that soon enough." She chuckled.

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