Chapter 24

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I somehow completely forgot that I had a visitor in the afternoon. But I remembered it as my doorbell rang. Amina went to the door to open it.
"Hey uhm.- Am I right at.-Corpse?" I heard her voice.
"You know who I am?" Amina said with a big smile.
"You're Amina?"
"Exactly." She laughed. Both greeted each other with, sounded to me like hugging voices.
"Come on in. He.- He is.- A bit sick today. But.- He'll explain it I guess." Amina chuckled. I slowly stood up and made my way to the hallway. And then I saw her. Tina.

"Crops!" She grinned and walked towards me with her arms spread.
"Hey Tina." I chuckled and gave her a warm hug.
"Was the trip okay?" I asked her while we got out of the hug.
"Yeah. It was good. I'm here by car. There was a bit of traffic on my way out of LA, but it cleared up pretty fast." She explained. I was so focused on my pain, that I wasn't even nervous because I just met a new person.
"That's good." I smiled and watched her taking off her Jacket and shoes.

Amina went past me and brushed my back with her hand with a smile. I showed Tina the bathroom and then the living room.
"How are you?" She asked me with a big smile while I slowly sat down, trying not to trigger the pain to much. This question made me chuckle while I finally sat.
"Does not look good." She said and I nodded.
"Yeah.- Very bad day." I smiled.
"It's going to be okay crops. I believe in that." Tina said.
"Yeah. I just hope. But let's not talk about that." I told her and we warmed up pretty quickly.  

"But.- Like I talked with Amina a few time, or, I texted with her. And she.- No. You.- Are you interested in her? It looks to like you have a major crush on her." Tina said quiet while she was blushing with a chuckle.
"Do you want to know something funny?" I asked her.
"Amina is the girl who gets at least one line in all of my songs." I chuckled.
"What? Really?" Tina laughed.
"Yeah. She.- She just kind of lives here at the moment because I can't to simple tasks not by my own sometimes. Cause of pain, or numb body parts. We.- We are I don't know friends I guess." I told her.
"We didn't talked for a few years and.- you know that I was in a relationship with Maya for a while right?" I asked Tina and she nodded.
"Maya invited friends over, I hid in my room and one of the friends was Amina. We both didn't know. And.- Yeah. I don't know. That was maybe the most emotional day of my life." I chuckled.

"That's crazy what the fuck." She laughed.
"Absolutely. And.- Now she helps be cause I'm a fuck up." I laughed looked at my legs.
"Stop talking bad about yourself. I don't like that crops. Don't do that." Tina said.
"Axel." I told her my name and looked at her.
"Uhm.- Okay now I am overwhelmed. Jesus. I'm still calling you Corpse." She laughed.
"That's fine."

"Hey uhm.- I go and get some groceries now. Does anyone of you want anything specific?" Amina asked.
"No. But I thought I order some food. You want any?" I asked her.
"Sounds good." She smiled.
"Good. Uhm. Thanks." I said to her. She just winked at me and left.

Tina and I stayed silent until we heard the front door falling into the lock.
"Okay,   she told me about you. Now it's your turn to tell me everything." Tina said what made me laugh.
"Tell you what?" I laughed.
"Do you love her? Are you dating? Spill it!" She said exited.
"Is this what girls talk about when their talking about boys?" I chuckled.
"No. You don't wanna know. But tell me now." She smiled.
"Oh damn." I laughed and moved my hand over my chin.

"Yeah. I do love her. And.- we still say that to each other but.- But we agreed to be just friends because.- I don't know. I.- You may not think of me like that, but I am not a good person. I snap a lot. And I get mad very fast, because of the pain and yeah. I think it's better like that." I sighed. Tina gave me a pretty sad look.
"I want her back. Like.- Fully. But.- It won't end well. If I.- If I wouldn't have this fucking damn illnesses, easy. I get her back. But.- It's going to be nothing but toxic. I don't want to hurt her anymore. Done that enough." I said and looked at Tina again.
"You're making me cry." Tina chuckled while holding a finger under her eye to catch a tear.

 "No. Please don't." I chuckled.
"I always thought you have a soft heart. But not that soft. Dude." She said quiet and sobbed.
"Yeah. I try not to." 
"No no. It's good. It's very good. Trust me." Tina laughed and grabbed a napkin from the table.
"Do you want to order something?" I asked her with a chuckle.
"You can't just switch topics here dude." She laughed.
"But yeah."

I let Tina order what she wanted and then got something for Amina and me.
"But.- Listen man. I think.. If you two okay?"
"Tina?" I chuckled.
"No listen. I talked with Amina a few times. Like.- On the phone. And she randomly started talking about you. That she's worried. And.- I think she would risk everything just to be with you again. Did she slept here last night?" Tina asked me.
"Nah. Never. That's a rule. No sleepovers."
"What time did she arrive?" She asked me.
"At about 6:30 this morning?"
"Who would visit someone that fucking early in the morning? Someone who loves you deeply. Crops? Try it. Toxic behaviour, can be controlled with training. I don't know how, but I think it's possible." Tina explained.
"I- I think that won't happen Tina. But.- I love your advices." I smiled.

"It's not an advice, it's a threat." She sighed what made me laugh.
"Don't laugh. I mean it. It makes me angry, that two persons, I ship to death, and one of them is refusing to get back togeth.-" Tina stopped and looked at me with wide eyes.
"What?" I asked.
"I just.- I just. Did you. Never mind actually." She smiled.
"Have you talked a lot about my and her relationship with her?" I asked her.
"I won't tell you." She chuckled.

"I need you tell me. I want to know.- Like. We just tell each other that we are friends. And she won't tell me something different. Please." I begged her and she sighed.
"Alright. Listen. I told her that I won't tell you a single thing. But if she asks you, did Tina told you something?  You say, Yes after I threatened her with a knife, Told her that I won't give Tina food and then throw her out okay?" Tina said and I nodded.

"Will do." I chuckled.
"She told me that she is worried. Like really worried. And.- I don't know how to tell you that but.- In basic words, if you're down, she is down." Tina said.
"With what?"
"A relationship." Tina said. I took a deep breath.
"I'm not down. I won't hurt her anymore." I sighed.
"Don't say that too early. I'm not finished."
"She also said that.- Like, even when you would.- Okay listen, she told me that you snap quite fast sometimes. But.- Now. Listen closely. She said, that nothing would hurt her more than not helping you, even when you'd snap. She told me that she couldn't care less. She said that she understands why you snap, why you are angry and.- I don't know. She meant it. She really did." Tina told me.
"What if she does care at the end?" I said quiet.
"Then she will tell you. But she told me, that you could murder someone, in front of her eyes and she would not leave you." Tina said. I needed to swallow.
"Amina said, that you two been through so much shit. And she thinks that.-" I looked up to the door which moved and I saw Amina lurking in.

"Okay. Listen. I threatened her with a knife, I told her that she won't get food and.-" I told Amina.
"And what?" I asked Tina quiet.
"You will throw me out." 
"And I will throw her out." I told Amina.
"For what?" She asked and walked inside the room. My stomach filled up with butterflies almost immediately.
"Drugs." I said quick what made Tina laugh.
"And-. Hoes." I added.
"Oh that secret huh?" Amina chuckled and crossed her arms. 
"Exactly." I told her.

"Great." She laughed and left the room while telling us she would  put the groceries away. 
"That was a close call huh?" Tina chuckled.
"Yeah. but.- Thanks for telling me." I smiled.
"No need to thank me dude. Uhm. I go use the bathroom really quick." She chuckled and stood up. 

Right as Tina left the room, my smile dropped. I lifted up my legs and let them rest on the couch. I laid down flat for a second. My back hurt, my legs were killing me, and throughout the talk with Tina, my little finger started to go numb. 
"Hey, are you okay?" I heard next to me. I opened my eyes to see Amina. I shook my head.
"My hand started to get numb again." 
"Were you sitting all the time?" She asked me and I nodded.
"Okay. Uhm.- Do you need something?" She asked and let her hand run over my forehead.
"You're burning." She said and I looked at her.
"Yeah.- It happens sometimes." I sighed.

"I'm okay. Really. I just need to lay down for a second." I told her.
"Okay. I'll get you some water okay?" Amina said. I nodded and heard her walking away.
"Can you get me another painkiller as well?" I asked her.
"Of course." I heard her smiling.

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