Chapter 9 - Press Conference

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Mia's POV
A week later, we had our game against the Cleveland Browns. It's the first away game of the season and we don't even need to leave Ohio for it. We still have a three in a half hour drive, but at least we don't need to fly anywhere.

We beat the Cleveland Browns 41 - 7. I knew the Browns would lose before the game had even started.

Joe has a press conference with some reporters the next day to discuss the game. Joe pulls his jersey on over top a long sleeve under armour shirt with a Bengals logo on it. He then looks at himself in the mirror and tries to fix his hair.

"How do I look? Do I look presentable enough for the cameras?" Joe asks, looking at me. I laugh.

"You look fine. Get going before they start interviewing Ja'Marr or something," I say as I push a few strands of his dirty blonde hair out of his face. I laugh as two of the shorter strands bounce back. Joe looks cute with his hair this way.

"Thanks, Mia. You're the best," Joe says. He kisses me on the cheek and goes into the press room.

I stand in the doorway of the press room and listen to the reporters interview Joe.

"Joe, you've been doing so well this year so far considering your early leave from the NFL last year because an ACL injury. How were you able to make such a speedy recovery?" A reporter asks.

Before Joe says anything, he looks my way. I smile at him and give him a thumbs up.

"I credit my speedy recovery to my athletic trainer, Mia Bennett. She got me through my last two weeks of physical therapy before the season began," Joe explains, his eyes never leaving mine as he says this.

The reporters point their phones and cameras at me and I stand there, my cheeks burning red with embarrassment. Joe walks over to me and takes my hand.

"Come over here with me. I think they want to ask you a few questions," he says with a smile. I shake my head.

"Joe, I can't. I'm not some football player and I hate talking in front of big crowds. Plus, my hair and makeup probably doesn't look right." I whisper. Joe shrugs.

"You look great. Don't worry. I'll be right there next to you the whole time," he says. I look at him and sigh.

"Fine. I'll do it," I mutter. Joe smiles.

"Great. Now come with me,"

Joe squeezes my hand to comfort me as I walk with him to the stage. I sit down in front of the microphone and Joe sits down next to me.

"You got this," Joe whispers. I look at him and smile. Then I look back at the reporters so they can ask me questions.

"Ms. Bennett, what was your physical therapy regime for Joe Burrow?" One of the reporters asks. I shrug.

"It was just regular PT. I had him do leg stretches and workouts. I also had him run on the treadmill and lift weights. For his last few days of physical therapy, I even let him practice with the team." I explain.

"How long have you been an athletic trainer?"

I stay silent for a beat. To be honest, I wasn't expecting them to ask me that question.

"I have been an athletic trainer for a little over a month now," I reply. The reporters talk amongst themselves with shocked expressions on their faces.

"What college did you go to?" Another reporter asks.

"I went to Penn State University and got my bachelor's in athletic training. During my time in college, I also did an internship with the Philadelphia Eagles athletic training team." I answer. The reporters all nod and a few of them type or write some notes down.

"What got you into becoming an athletic trainer?"

"My dad was the football coach at my high school when I was a kid so I have been surrounded by football my entire life. I even got the chance to be a junior athletic trainer for the players," I reply with a smile.

I feel a pang of sadness in the pit of my stomach at the thought of my parents. Joe squeezes my hand and gives me a sad smile. I smile, glad that Joe's still here with me. I breathe deeply to keep from crying and get ready to answer the next question.

"Are you and Joe an item?" One asks. I look at the reporter and frown.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you and Joe dating?" The reporter says, rephrasing her question. I shake my head.

"No. We're not," I say. The reporter frowns.

"Really? Because you two act pretty affection towards each other,"

My heart is starting to beat a little faster and I'm not sure what to say.

Joe's POV
I stand in front of Mia, an annoyed look on my face.

"We're not dating, end of discussion. This press conference is over. Turn off your video cameras and your tape recorders and leave." I snap.

I walk out of the press room with Mia behind me. Mia walks in front of me and grabs my hand. She pulls me into her office and closes the door behind us.

"That took a turn," I mutter as I lean up against Mia's desk. Mia sighs.

"I don't want to talk about it," she says. Her head is down and she's massaging her temples with her fingers.

"Look, Mia, I'm sorry. I didn't think that they would ask you that question. Those reporters should have never asked you that," I explain. Mia shakes her head.

"Joe, please. I don't want to talk about it,"


"Joe, stop! I said I don't want to talk about it!" Mia shouts. I look at her, a little shocked by her outburst.

All they had asked her was if I was her boyfriend. I don't see why she's getting so defensive. I understand that she doesn't like dating football players, but I think she's being a bit too defensive for it.

Mia's POV
I see Joe's shocked look turn to sadness and I feel bad for yelling at him. I start crying, tears pouring down my cheeks.

Between talking about my father and being asked if I'm dating Joe, I'm pushed over the edge.

With how close I've become with Joe, I think I might be developing feelings for him, but I'm scared to admit it.

Joe kneels down and holds my chin in his hand. He uses his free hand to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Hey. It's okay, Mia. It's okay. I love..."

Joe stops mid sentence as I cup his face in my hands and pull him towards me. Our lips touch and we kiss. This time, I don't feel guilty kissing him.

When we pull away, Joe has a big smile on his face.

"Joe, I'm so sorry for yelling at you. I was just afraid to admit that I love you. I've grown to love you over the last month," I explain. I squeeze Joe's hand and Joe smiles.

"I love you too, Mia." Joe says. He wraps his arms around my waist and stares into my eyes. "Can I get another kiss?"

I laugh and cup Joe's face in my hands again.


Joe and I kiss again and I decide that maybe dating football players isn't too bad.

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