Arsonist's Lullaby

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Vegas pov

The mafia world was a dark vortex of its own, ever since I'd entered it. People in it were hungry for power and ignorant of morals to the extent that calling them humans was debatable under certain circumstances.

I rushed through the dark alleys with neon-lit signs, as Nop made way through the crowd ahead of me. Men and women gambling away, pimping themself out, dealing drugs, collecting debts, making more... all kinds of stuff happened down here. The ones who recognised me bowed down and made way but I was in no mood to entertain anybody today.

After walking for about 5 minutes we reached a store with plastic curtains and a tattoo machine sounded loud from inside.

" Tsukasa San.."

I stood behind the man lying stomach down on the bed while the tattoo artist etched a design onto his already ridiculously inked back.

The old man didn't even budge so Nop grabbed the tattoo artist's collar which made him stop and go limp rolling his eyes.

" Oh what's stopping you now- Hai !! Its the young Fox himself "

Tsukasa finally pushed his bald head up and smiled at me with his front teeth missing in an alternate pattern. This Yakuza fugitive smiling at me, was one of the most wanted criminals internationally. To be associated with them, meant a huge responsibility for minor family.

I was lucky enough to have Tsukasa have a liking for me and my work ethics since a long time now. Despite being almost the age of my dad, he treated me more like a friend.

" We need to talk, Tsukasa san"

I sat down on a tin chair presented to me by his guard as he ushered the tattoo artist outside.

" I would love to, Vegas" He loosely wore his shirt sitting up.

" But that won't make me disappear, would it ?" He raised his eyebrows at me. I clenched my fists.

Ofcourse he knew already. First Don and now Big Wang, I seemed to have declared a war on the so called black market mafias.

" It's not how things seem. I didn't Kill- " I clarified.

Tsukasa's eyes laid still piercing through mine for a while. He wasn't an egoist as far as I knew.

" There's a storm coming up.... Its approaching us fast and with a big appetite"

" Ofcourse you didn't kill wang. you'd get nothing from it. But y'know this storm that I'm talking about ?"

He grabbed a cigarette from the ash tray and pointed at me.

" It seems like it will spare none. Benefit or no benefit." he frowned.

I couldn't even address the money transfers he had received from this very " storm" for the fear for aggravating the issue. This meeting could also spiral into something unexpected by the way things were going. It was almost like I was being purposefully targeted.

" Stay on your toes, little fox "

Nop opened the back door of the car as I walked near it. There was an uneasy feeling in my stomach as I failed to recall the last meal or drop of water that I'd had. Almost on the verge of migraine, I laid down in the back of the car exhausted. I could only hope Big Wang was not actually dead, it would be easier to prove your innocence over a Kidnapping compared to a Murder.

" Nop, I need a smoke"

" We have to get to Minor mansion, Khun Vegas..." Nope spoke carefully. I looked into the rear view mirror in annoyance.

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