Bittersweet Feeling

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Vegas POV

The cool spring wind blew through my hair as i held on to the fast pace of my life. The bike, despite running on a high speed, seemed to be in a slow space between the hands of time.

While most people would find some peace in holding on to someone while sitting in the back on a motorbike...a sense of loneliness pervaded me.

"This is so cool Khun Vegas, this bike is the best of the ones i've ever seen" Porsche exclaimed excitedly as we got off outside the Major Mansion.

His giddyness amazed me, entertained me almost. Agreed, that this guy has no idea of the devisive plans that some Old men were making but he has signed up for the game nonetheless.

This might be why i found a piece of me reflected in porsche , being toiled around by our destiny & fate written by these old geezers sitting high on their Mafia Head chairs.

"Vegas ?" I snapped to reality as he extend his arm for a handshake. I grabbed it and pulled him for a hug instead, stealing the chance. Not failing to notice him squirming under me, i added on more pressure.

How does it feel Kinn ? Does this feel like a loss ?

Your new toy being charmed by me and eventually being owned by me ? Ah i couldn't keep the smile from slipping out.

As i bid Porsche off and got on the bike thinking of my next move , i saw something move from the corner of my eye. Oh it's one of the Kinn's dogs again.

I'm basically standing in your home turf, do you still need to spy on me ? Are they clowns ? Come and stand in front of me if you dare.

As if hearing my thoughts the shadow really formed into a figure meekly approaching me. A solemn face... Tankhun's bodyguard was he ?

Removed from the side of his maniac boss, he looked as good as a pleasant faced man could.

"Thank you for dropping Porsche off, Khun Wegath" He beamed a smile, standing at a distance.

"Were you asked to babysit him for Kinn, now ? Major family certainly tires their bodyguards out huh" I smiled my tight lipped smile back at him.

To be honest, i didn't have to. There is never a need to hold a pretense for subordinates of Kinn.... but this man here was someone already in the cat & mouse game with me.

Tailing me day and night, like a loyal dog with a missplaced loyalty. You'd rather pledge your loyalty to the one you're following around, won't you ?

And i'll indulge you for sure. Make you regret for wanting to deal with me.

" I'm just doing my job Khun Wegath"

and i'm doing mine...

"but i'm curious about one thing" He scratched his head and fixed the smile into a straight face.
" why is a busy person like you interested in a mere bodyguard like porsche...?"

"I'm interested in a lot of unusual things, you know. Your boss for one, provides me new things to obsess over frequently. For example, right now i'm interested in you." I winked. He gasped.

Bingo. Just the response that satisfies me.

"Aii'Pete !!" Another bodyguard called out from inside and he flinched before replying back.

"See you soon, Pete" i crooned in english to highten his sense of alarm. He is fun to tease, not my fault .

Leaving him looking around, i started my bike and headed home, well entertained for the night.

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