The start of it all

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  • Dedicated to Harcourt, you crazy woman. This is for you.

Bubblegum sat down in her Pj's, having called a late meeting with Finn and Jake a day after the incident.

"Guys." she said, looking to them. "I messed up."

"It can't be as bad as you say it is." Jake said. "I mean, it's not like you endangered the whole candy kingdom...did you? You did! Oh my glob!"

"No, no!" She said. "It's not like that...I made Marceline sad...Like, she was crying and junk."

"What!?" Finn exclaimed. "Why? How!"

"It wasn't on purpose!" She argued back. "I just...we were arguing and it got out of hand! It's not my fault she's a total jerk about everything!"

"She's not a jerk..." Finn said, looking seriously at Bubblegum. "She's troubled. I mean she's 1,000 years old, maybe even older. Plus her dad is, like, full on evil, so she's not gonna be perfect."

"This is what I'm talking about!" Bubblegum said, standing up, causing her chair to fall behind her. "Everyone thinks I want her to be perfect! I don't! She's perfect the way she is!"

"...What?" Finn and Jake said in unison.

DID I JUST FLIPPING SAY THAT OUT LOUD!?!?!? Bubblegum thought to herself. She fell silent.

"...Annnywayyysss..." She said, setting her chair back up and clearing her throat. "As I was saying, she was mad too. Like, I've seen her mad before, but this...I mean I though she was about to attack me."

"This is giving me some crazy bad feel, bro." Jake said, looking to Finn. "I mean, Marceline nearly killed me when we first met, and she was just having fun! What about when she's fueled by rage? This could be whole new levels of bad!"

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Finn said, patting his friend's head. "She's just gotta let out her anger."

Suddenly, a large crash echoed throughout the castle, causing the whole area to violently shake. The group rushed to their feet in shock.

"We better check this out." Finn said, hopping onto Jake's back. Jake stretched his way out of the castle, moving outside the main doors where Finn hopped off and Jake returned to his normal shape.

The kingdom was in shambles. Some buildings were missing entire walls, others completely destroyed. Candy People lay, groaning in pain, none fatally injured, but many with missing pieces. The guards got the worst of it. Some lay completely in half, others impaled with their own spears.

"What happened here!?" Finn yelled.

In the center of the rubble, the few remaining guards were in a circle around something, jabbing at it with spears. The circle suddenly is sent flying in all different directions. They'd land at least 100+ feet from where they stood.

In the center of where the gaurds once where stood Marceline...but she was...different. Her hair was wildly flying every way, her eyes shining red in rage. Her clothes were torn in various spots, a few cuts on her body, though not bleeding.

"Marceline!?" Finn and Jake yelled in unison.

She'd spot the two, moving towards them with unbelievable speed. They both jumped back in response. She kept moving at them, and each time they tried their hardest to move away, to no avail.

She got one good swing in on Finn suddenly, sending him into the wall. He'd hit it head on, knocking him out cold. She'd then turn to Jake, kicking him straight in the face. He'd crumble from the impact, sending him onto the ground out cold as well. Marceline flys back a bit from the kick, landing perfectly.

Suddenly, Bubblegum ran out, yelling to Marceline with tears in her eyes.

"Marceline please stop! I'm sorry!"

"It's too late for apologies, Princess." Marceline said, smiling evilly. "You messed up. Big time. And now? I'm going to rip you apart."

She slowly moved towards Bubblegum, who was reduced to sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm...I'm sorry!" She said. "I didn't mean what I said! You have friends! You have Finn and Jake! And me!"

"You!?" She yelled in disgust. "We are not...nor will we ever be...friends!" She yelled, dashing at Bubblegum.

Before she could react, Marceline struck Bubblegum with the back of her hand, sending her spiralling to the ground. She landed flat on her back, her neck pressed under Marceline's shoe.

"Any last words, Bonnie!?" Marceline said with an evil smile.

"I'm...sor...ry...I...I always..." She suddenly fell silent, being choked by Marceline's foot.

"Always what...?" Marceline said, her evil smile now fading. She slowly moved her foot.

"I..." Bubblegum said, regaining her breathe. "I always...I always thought of you as...well..."

"Say it, already!"

"You're my best friend, okay!?" She said.

Marceline gave her a look with a mix of shock and denial. "'re lying!"

"No, I'm not..." she said, sitting up. Marceline stepped back away. "You've been there for've helped me a lot...I still wear the t-shirt you gave me every night..." Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke. "It makes me feel like I'm safe. Like you're ready to come and help me if something happens...I've always trusted you...I get what I said took it too far, but you can't believe it! I was just angry...I'm sorry..." At this point she would be sobbing.

Marceline stood infront of her, dumbstruck. "...You...Really mean that...?" She asked, her eyes welling with tears. "I'm...your best friend?"

"I do..." Bubblegum said, wiping tears away as she looked up at her friend.

Marceline once again fell silent. She shuddered a bit, trying her hardest not to sob. This was to of no avail. She'd collapse onto Bubblegum, holding her tight as she sobbed.

"I'm...So...sorry..." She said in between sobs, burrowing her head into Bubblegum's neck. "I just...felt so...alone!"

Bubblegum held her tightly in the embrace, both of them sobbing into one another. They stayed in the embrace for what seemed like hours, before they both finally calmed down. Marceline slowly moved away from the hug, her hands on Bubblegum's shoulders.

"...Thank you..." she said, smiling. "I know I can be a jerk sometimes...but when you're the daughter of a vampire..."

"No." Bubblegum said, cutting her off. "I shouldn't judge you for being you. That was my fault. I'm sorry."

There was a silence between them. Marceline's thoughts raced a mile a minute. Suddenly, she leans into her friend, kissing her gently on the lips.

Bubblegum's eyes widened. She pulled away, saying nothing, just looking at Marceline in shock. Marceline did the same.

"Marceline I-" Bubblegum began.

Before she could finish, Marceline had broken into a run, jumping off the ground and flying into the night.

"...Did...what...WHAT!?" Bubblegum said, at a loss for words. She moved to her feet, looking at the chaos.

Her best friends (She truly did mean that) had done this, kissed her, then...left? Her thoughts raced. "What if she really is bad? What if she meant something by the kiss? What if, what if, what if!" She shook them away. She had to attend the matter at hand; cleaning this mess.

Maybe I'm the One Who's Crazy...(Adventure time PB+Marceline fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now