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Hello!! As said in the description, this story takes place before "Are you listening".
That doesn't mean that story is over, it's not. Just decided to provide context for some of the things mentioned in the newer chapters.

This one will include things from Evo, the characters early years, and some things from 3rd life (maybe)

The cover image may or may not stick, I haven't decided. Took me a while to make tho, so it'll probably stick for a bit.
The tittle comes from the song I'll have linked at the top of this chapter.

For those who stumble apon this with no knowledge of the other story, I suggest checking it out! There's 15 actual chapters out right now, so it'll be a longer read than this one is at the moment.

Anyways, have a great day! Remember to eat, drink, and take any medicines you need to!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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