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Childe stares at his pen in disbelief, before shifting his eyes onto his hands and t-shirt. The pens ink had exploded all over him for some reason, it had stained his cheeks a bit, his hands and clothes a lot. It looked as if he had murdered a smurf or something. To his dismay, his peacock like friend had started laughing like a maniac beside him, taking pictures of how he had looked and sending it to all of their friend. " Shut up Kaeya! This is your fault. " And it wasn't he just needed to say something, to make his friend stop laughing and shut up. " Boo-hoo did the smurf baby vomit all over his clothes? " Kaeya teased, laughing even more as their other classmates tried to stifle their laughter, pitying the sun and his current bombed state. " Tartaglia, please get yourself cleaned and a new pair of clothes. " Their teacher ordered, sighing as he sent Childe out.

Aggressively washing his hands as he desperately tried to get the stained blue ink out of his hands, completely forgetting about the stain on his cheeks as he felt as if he was on the brink of a melt down. He looked awful. How did his pen ink even explode in the first place, that, he isn't aware of and right now, all he could do was pray that it wouldn't completely stain or atleast be visible. 

" Agh, fuck me. " He shouted, pumping out even more soap from the soap dispenser as he frantically washed his hands even more. It was starting to irritate him how the ink wouldn't get off, he swore he was on the brink of crying; and to make it worse, someone had left the stall, hearing him complain and curse underneath his breath the entire time.

And to his dismay, it was none other than Scaramouche who had looked at him confused before noticing his stained clothes and hands. He felt embarrassed even more, this just made his day ten times worse than it already was. Scaramouche had approached him, settling beside him as he had washed his hands and looked at Childe. With wet hands, he had gotten on his toes as the other was unfortunately much, much more taller than him; before wiping the stain off of the others face. Unfortunately it didn't entirely remove, just a tad bit of it, but it smeared all over the others face.

Childe couldn't help but lean into the touch, as Scaramouche hesitantly cupped his face; not before sliding it down and standing properly and washing his hands once more. " What happened to you? " He questioned, acting as if nothing had happened a while ago, like that oddly sweet moment had never happened. " I got shitted on " Childe complained, hiding his face in his hands out of frustration. He wanted the world to swallow him up once more, but at the same time not.

He enjoyed his life now that Scaramouche was in it once more. 

Scaramouche couldn't help but laugh at him, he looked so pathetic being on the verge of tears, having both his clothes and hands stained with what look like smurf poo. Getting his phone out of his pockets, he had took a picture of him and a frustrated Childe, who was on the verge of tears. It was their first photo, and it was one of Childes most shittest moment ever.

Inhaling deeply, he grabbed a pair of t-shirt out of his bag, taking off his shirt as he set it down by the side. All while Scaramouche was there, staring at him; not long before he had looked away, pretending to be busy on his phone, and that he wasn't just staring at Childes well manages body.

" I'm never getting these off. " He sighed, motioning to his hands. To which Scaramouche had just stared at and nodded. " It'll probably just take a few days. " He stated, before shrugging; unsure if what he said was the truth or not. " I'll get going know, I still have classes " Scaramouche stated, shoving his phone into his pockets, " Unless you wanna join me in skipping? " He added, questioning the other.

It was a pathetic way to spend even more time with Childe. They were no longer silly high schoolers, who's constantly skipping classes and such. Not that they had met in high school or anything, the two went into two different high schools.

Childe just stared at him and smiled. " Sure. " He stated, taking up on the others offer as he was too embarrassed to return to class. Fishing out his phones from his bag as he messaged one of his friends in that class. 




Can you tell sir albezit that something came up

and that I wont be able to come back? 


Are you skipping??

If so, with who?


Yeah, and with the moon.



Use protection.


AMAB can't get pregnant, so I doubt I'll need it.

Kidding, we're just going to hang out.




inspired by heartstopper.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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