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" God, I just bumped into the sun. "  Said Scaramouche, whilst flipping to the next page of his notebook to continue copying his friends notes. " You should've burnt. " Replied his friend, to which was reciprocated with their other friend nudging the others side. " Signoras a homophobe, confirmed " Laughed their other friend, referring to Signoras statement earlier. " What? I'm not, what the fuck are you taking Dottore. " Sneered Signora, glaring at Dottore who seemed to be smirking underneath that facemask of his. " Why're you even wearing that" She added, questioning the others awful taste of fashion. " Burnt my face, don't wanna scare other students. " Replied the other in a matter-of-fact kind of way.

Scaramouche could only look at the two with a bored expression placed upon his face before tuning out their mindless bickering. He had notes to finish, and if he were to join in their idiotical bickering then he'd never be able to get said notes done. God, he really wished he accepted Kazuhas offer when he said he'd write Scaras notes for him whilst he was sick. Oh how he despised the shit tone of notes their professor gave them. 

With a sigh, his mind had started to wonder off, forgetting and dismaying the notes he was copying earlier as his mind had floated to the sun he had bumped into. The others bright features had started replaying in his mind, as if it were a math problem he had to solve,  a math problem he had ten minutes and only ten minutes to solve. Why was the other invading his mind so much, and why can't he seem to forget about him. He sounded like a frat, and seemed like one, so why couldn't he just hate the other. Perhaps it was something about him, something almost familiar, something that made Scaramouche unable to hate him.

As if on time, Mona had entered the room with the sun, and a blue peacock look-a-like. Were his angels trying to help him solve his problem, by sending said problem right at him- ah well, that'd be the case if he even had angels. 

" Scaramouche and Signora ! " The pigtailed girl called out, with a smile on her face whilst the two boys behind her had simply looked confused. Said two were carrying two plastic bags that contained, one could only hope but; food. " Erm, I'm also here " Dottore commented, obviously sarcastic as he leaned forward to Signora, pushing her out the way to show himself to the group of three that were heading their way. " Oh oops. "

" Sun. " " Moon ! " Said Tartaglia, a grin on his face as he was glad to see the other once more. Perhaps it was indeed Scaramouches angels that had brought his problem here, to him. " Woah, pet names already for one-another ? Slow down. " Snickered Monas peacock like friend, who had setted down the plastic bag down onto their table, a few snack and such had fallen out of the plastic bag; to which Dottore had immediately took a few and snacked on whilst he watch the twos unresolved tension.

" Right, sorry sorry. " Tartaglia laughed, which almost sounded like music to the his ears. That was if his music taste was pop. " My names Tartaglia, but my friends call me Childe- and that's Child with an e " Stuttering and stumbling a bit on his words as he introduced himself, a bit embarrassed introducing himself with a silly nickname such as ' childe. '  

" Childe with an e ? so basically chi - eel - dee ? " Questioned Scaramouche, butchering the others nickname on purpose as he watched the others facial expression change, from being slightly embarrassed to being full on embarrassed as the others in their table laughed at how Scaramouche butchered the others name so badly. " No... It's pronounced as child, but written with an e! " Argued Childe, trying to save himself from the ever so embarrassment. " Oh I know, I just wanted to see you embarrassed. " Stated Scaramouche, who now couldn't contain his laughter as he bursted into a fit of laughter.

Childe couldn't help but stare at the other, watching Scaramouche laugh looked as if he was seeing an artist at work. Is this Deja vu? It felt as if he had thought something similar to this before, perhaps he did. He did think /alot/ or so he'd say.

" Shit I 'otta go, Albedos calling for me. " Stated his peacock like friend, who had gotten up, walking away from the group ever so quick, not before Mona had shouted. " Use protection " To which, their peacock like friend had walked even quicker, and Mona getting a nudge from Signora, who was obviously a bit taken back from her comment, but at the same time trying to keep in her laughter. 

Scaramouche couldn't help but lower his head in embarrassment, once again, he and his group of friends was the center of attention in the cafeteria. God, they were such an embarrassment, but it was fine; he was able to tolerate them and their embarrassing and odd behavior. 

Looking at the clock plastered onto one of the cafeteria walls, Scaramouche was the second to get up. Packing up his stuff as he proceeded to grab a few snacks, he assumed Childe and his friend had bought. Everyone knew Mona wasn't the type to spend her money for this much snacks. "I'm going to return Kazuhas book back then I'm heading to class. " " I'll come with ! " Offered Childe. Scaramouche had just given the side eye before shrugging at him. " Do whatever you want. "



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