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Walking alongside Scaramouche as he chatted about anything and everything that had came into his mind. Still unsure of the others name, though he had putted that aside for now, as he continued calling the other 'moon.' What a silly nickname, although it did fit Scaramouche well. He was cold as night, as pretty and bright as the moon, and plus; Scaramouche had called him sun, so it was only reasonable for him to call the other moon.

The two had stopped walking once they arrived at Kazuhas class, their teacher missing whilst other students sleep peacefully, on their phones; minding their own business or chatting with their other classmates. Kazuha was one of the fortunate ones, well liked by many in his class and perhaps the whole campus due to his kind demeanor and kind baby like face. 

Scaramouche hesitated, a bit too shy to knock on the door and disturb Kazuha and his friends chatting. Noticing this, Childe had knocked on the door for his behalf; hiding behind the wall as he watched Childe excuse Kazuha who had only looked at him confused, but still made his way to him. 

" Yes? " Kazuha questioned, eyeing the other before Scaramouche had made himself present once more. Starring into Childes eyes as if he was about to kill him, before looking at Kazuha and handing his notebook to him. " Thanks for the bio notes. " Grabbing his notebook, Kazuha had only smiled at him and nodded. " Of course, oh and wait here " Kazuha looked behind him, to his seat before looking back at Scaramouche. " Someone gave out free candies, hol' on. " He continued before walking of to his seat to grab something.

Returning with a bag of sweets, he had handed it to Scaramouche. " Here, I'm not sure if you like it or not but yeah. " Stated Kazuha as he watched Scaramouche hesitantly take the candy, hiding a look of disgust for the candy, he had smiled at Kazuha and nodded. " Sorry if it isn't to your liking, Heizou had taken the m&ms and lollipops. " Apologized the other, to which Scaramouche had just nodded again. " Okay, bye. Let's go Childe. " " Alright, bye Scara ! " Kazuha waved at the two, watching them walk away.

" Scara? " " Scaramouche. " He corrected the other, before handing him the bag of sweets. " Take them, I don't like candies. " He added as Childe gladly took the bag without a second thought. He had been eyeing it the moment Kazuha had handed Scaramouche the bag. Originally, he had planned on begging the other for the candy; but seeing the other give it to him without him having to beg, just saved his dignity. " Sweet thanks ! " He smiled, before digging into the bag looking for whatever sweets might catch his eyes. 

Scaramouche had just watched him dig through the bag, his heart softening for a bit. Truth be told, this was his odd way of saying thank you, he was never good with expressing hid kindness through words; hence why he'd always resort to showing it instead as words would often fail him every now and then.

" Wait do you for real not like sweets? " Questioned Childe, who had a pokey stick in his mouth and a box filled with it in his left arm, signaling the other to take a few; to which Scaramouche had just shaked his head and refused the offer. " No, don't want cavities. " He stated, lying through his teeth when in reality he just hated them in general. Childe had simply given him a strange look but nodded, understanding that everyone had their likes and dislikes.

Taking note of how both he and Scaramouche were a bit different, he can't really say that they're that different as he had just met the other a few hours ago. Practically bumping into him as  he had chewed on bubblegum, and the other looking so anxious about something. Something he decided not to ask, taking note of how the other might be bit to embarrass to tell him. When in reality it was far from that, if the time ever comes and Childe asks the other about it; it'll just give him an opportunity to shit talk mona. 'Course in a joking way, he'd never seriously talk shit about the girl, she was one of his dearest and closest friends who had sticked and called him out on his awful attitude multiple times and had helped him with that. Plus, the girl knew a too much  about him to the point it was a bit scary. 


" I'll see you soon scar ! I have swim practice. " He spoke, smiling goofily at the other, who had taken the bag of sweets; earning another odd look from the Childe. "'kay, I'll hold onto these for now. See you at lunch. " Scaramouche replied, ignoring the second nickname Childe had given him before walking away from him.

Staring at the others back once more, as a silly grin rested onto his face. " Deja vu. " He mumbled underneath  his breath, before remembering how the two had originally met. " Move it loverboy, we got practice. " Hissed a light blue haired male with a beauty mark on his face. " You're one to talk, I saw you 'oggling Thomas ass. " Childe retorted, bumping the others shoulder as they had headed wherever their club was whilst they playfully argued and talked about stuff.





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